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Question Just Wanted To Say Hello!

03 Sep 2014 05:35 #5031 by zusuk
How is everyone doing??

I haven't been on the forum for a while now :P

Just wanted to let folks know that LuminariMUD is still running, but development paused. Both Ornir (the other developer) and myself got hammered with work, and then I got called up for another war here (I serve in the military).

Luminari is probably just a hop and a skip away from being very playable, so as time allows I am going to try and get her at least player-tester worthy :)

I am also considering going into Grad School, but we shall see.

Anyhow hope everyone is doing well!

Mosheh (Zusuk)


Main Game Port

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03 Sep 2014 08:28 #5033 by WhiskyTest
Hi! Cool I'll jump on for a bit of an explore :)

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04 Sep 2014 01:05 #5035 by Rumble
Replied by Rumble on topic Just Wanted To Say Hello!
Welcome back and good luck with going to war or grad school. Lucky for you they both require similar skills. Good luck either way and don't be a stranger.

The Builder Academy
tbamud.com 9091

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14 Oct 2014 23:30 #5084 by Nerian
Replied by Nerian on topic Just Wanted To Say Hello!
Hi guys I am also coming back after taking an extended hiatus from the mud world.

Glad to see your still around no matter how infrequent Zusuk

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19 Oct 2014 20:18 - 19 Oct 2014 20:19 #5086 by Ornir
Replied by Ornir on topic Just Wanted To Say Hello!
Hi folks, Ornir here. Just wanted to say we are back in full swing and have really built up a lot of development momentum. Love to be back doing what we love!


Luminari - a Pathfinder/D&D inspired adventure!
luminarimud.com 4100
Last edit: 19 Oct 2014 20:19 by Ornir. Reason: fat fingers tiny keyboard

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