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Question Races

20 Jun 2012 18:03 - 31 Oct 2012 02:04 #116 by Liko
Races was created by Liko
Alright, I wrote up a races code for my MUD that runs on tbaMUD 3.63. Since I have heavily modified my code I'm going to do my best to properly explain where certain things go. I can tell you use your best judgement. I did look at the TBA stock code so I was able to directly put things from it into there. Here goes.
1. make a file called race.c 2. add this: /************************************************************************** * File: race.c Part of tbaMUD * * Usage: Source file for class-specific code. * * * * All rights reserved. See license for complete information. * * * * Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University * * CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991. * **************************************************************************/ /** Help buffer the global variable definitions */ #define __RACE_C__ /* This file attempts to concentrate most of the code which must be changed * in order for new race to be added. If you're adding a new class, you * should go through this entire file from beginning to end and add the * appropriate new special cases for your new race. */ #include "conf.h" #include "sysdep.h" #include "structs.h" #include "utils.h" #include "db.h" #include "spells.h" #include "interpreter.h" #include "constants.h" #include "act.h" #include "comm.h" /*Names First*/ const char *race_abbrevs[] = { "Hu", "El", "Dw", "\n" }; const char *pc_race_types[] = { "Human", "Elf", "Dwarf", "\n" }; /* Race Menu in Interpreter.c*/ const char *race_menu = "\r\n" "+------------------+\r\n" "| Race |\r\n" "+------------------+\r\n" "| A) Human |\r\n" "| B) Elf |\r\n" "| C) Dwarf |\r\n" "+------------------|\r\n"; /* The code to interpret a race letter -- used in interpreter.c when a new * character is selecting a race and by 'set race' in act.wizard.c. */ int parse_race(char arg) { arg = LOWER(arg); switch (arg) { case 'a': return RACE_HUMAN; case 'b': return RACE_ELF; case 'c': return RACE_DWARF; default: return RACE_UNDEFINED; } } bitvector_t find_race_bitvector(const char *arg) { size_t rpos, ret = 0; for (rpos = 0; rpos < strlen(arg); rpos++) ret |= (1 << parse_race(arg[rpos])); return (ret); } /* Invalid wear flags */ int invalid_race(struct char_data *ch, struct obj_data *obj) { if ((OBJ_FLAGGED(obj, ITEM_ANTI_HUMAN) && IS_HUMAN(ch)) || (OBJ_FLAGGED(obj, ITEM_ANTI_ELF) && IS_ELF(ch)) || (OBJ_FLAGGED(obj, ITEM_ANTI_DWARF) && IS_DWARF(ch))) return 1; else return 0; } 3. close race.c 4. open race.h and add the following: /** * @file race.h * Header file for class specific functions and variables. * * Part of the core tbaMUD source code distribution, which is a derivative * of, and continuation of, CircleMUD. * * All rights reserved. See license for complete information. * Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University * CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991. * */ #ifndef _race_H_ #define _race_H_ int parse_race(char arg); bitvector_t find_race_bitvector(const char *arg); int invalid_race(struct char_data *ch, struct obj_data *obj); /* Global variables */ #ifndef __RACE_C__ extern const char *race_abbrevs[]; extern const char *pc_race_types[]; extern const char *race_menu; #endif /* __RACE_C__ */ #endif /* _RACE_H_*/ 4. close race.h 5. Open structs.h and under your last #define NUM_CLASSES add: #define RACE_UNDEFINED (-1) /*Race Undefined*/ #define RACE_HUMAN 0 /* Race Human */ #define RACE_ELF 1 /* Race Elf */ #define RACE_DWARF 2 /* Race Dwarf */ /* Total Number of available PC Races*/ #define NUM_RACES 3 6. Now search Con_ and under your last Con_X add: #define CON_QRACE 32 /* Choose character race*/ 7. Now search Item_ and under your last item_ add: #define ITEM_ANTI_HUMAN 20 /* Not usable by Humans*/ #define ITEM_ANTI_ELF 21 /* Not usable by Elfs */ #define ITEM_ANTI_DWARF 22 /* Not usable by Dwarf*/ Also, change your #Define NUM_ITEM_FLAGS to #define ITEM_NUM_FLAGS 23 8. now search char_player_data and under ubyte height; add: byte race; /* PC/NPC Race*/ 9. close structs.h 10. open utils.h 11. now search #define GET_CLASS and under it add: #define GET_RACE(ch) ((ch)->player.race) 12. Now search class_abbr and under IS_WARRIOR add: /*Return the Race abbreviation for cha. */ #define RACE_ABBR(ch) (IS_NPC(ch) ? "--" : race_abbrevs[(int)GET_RACE(ch)]) 13. Under #define RACE_ABBR add: /* 1 if ch is human race, 0 if not */ #define IS_HUMAN(ch) (!IS_NPC(ch) && \ (GET_RACE(ch) == RACE_HUMAN)) /* 1 if ch is elf race, 0 if not */ #define IS_ELF(ch) (!IS_NPC(ch) && \ (GET_RACE(ch) == RACE_ELF)) /* 1 if ch is dwarf race, 0 if not */ #define IS_DWARF(ch) (!IS_NPC(ch) && \ (GET_RACE(ch) == RACE_DWARF)) 14. close utils.h 15. Open constants.c 16. search for connected_types and just above "\n" add: "Select Race", 17. search for extra_bits and just above "\n" add: "ANTI_HUMAN", "ANTI_ELF", "ANTI_DWARF", 18. close constants.c 19. open pfdefaults.h 20. search #endif and above it add: #define PFDEF_RACE 0 21. close pfdefaults.h 22. open players.c 23. search GET_LAST_NEWS and under it add: GET_RACE(ch) = PFDEF_RACE; 24. search case 'R' and you should see this: case 'R': if (!strcmp(tag, "Room")) GET_LOADROOM(ch) = atoi(line); break; now change it to: case 'R': if(!strcmp(tag, "Race")) GET_RACE(ch) = atoi(line); else if (!strcmp(tag, "Room")) GET_LOADROOM(ch) = atoi(line); break; 25. search save_char and find if (GET_CLASS(ch) != PFDEF_CLASS) fprintf(fl, "Clas: %d\n", GET_CLASS(ch)); u nder it add: if (GET_RACE(ch) != PFDEF_RACE) fprintf(fl, "Race: %d\n", GET_RACE(ch)); 26. close players.c 27. open act.wizard.c 28. find "genobj.h" under it add: #include "race.h" 29. find void do_stat_character and find this bulk of code: sprinttype(k->player.chclass, pc_class_types, buf, sizeof(buf)); send_to_char(ch, "%s%s, Lev: [%s%2d%s], XP: [%s%7d%s], Align: [%4d]\r\n", IS_NPC(k) ? "Mobile" : "Class: ", IS_NPC(k) ? "" : buf, CCYEL(ch, C_NRM), GET_LEVEL(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), CCYEL(ch, C_NRM), GET_EXP(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), GET_ALIGNMENT(k)); and change it to this: sprinttype(k->player.chclass, pc_class_types, buf, sizeof(buf)); send_to_char(ch, "%s%s, %s%s, Lev: [%s%2d%s], XP: [%s%7d%s], Align: [%4d]\r\n", IS_NPC(k) ? "" : "Race: ",pc_race_types[(int)GET_RACE(k)], IS_NPC(k) ? "Mobile" : "Class: ", IS_NPC(k) ? "" : buf, CCYEL(ch, C_NRM), GET_LEVEL(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), CCYEL(ch, C_NRM), GET_EXP(k), CCNRM(ch, C_NRM), GET_ALIGNMENT(k)); 30. find do_last and find this block of code: send_to_char(ch, "[%5ld] [%2d %s] %-12s : %-18s : %-20s\r\n", GET_IDNUM(vict), (int) GET_LEVEL(vict), class_abbrevs[(int) GET_CLASS(vict)], GET_NAME(vict), GET_HOST(vict) && *GET_HOST(vict) ? GET_HOST(vict) : "(NOHOST)", ctime(&vict->player.time.logon)); free_char(vict); return; } change it too: send_to_char(ch, "[%5ld] [%2d %s %s] %-12s : %-18s : %-20s\r\n", GET_IDNUM(vict), (int) GET_LEVEL(vict), class_abbrevs[(int) GET_CLASS(vict)], race_abbrevs[(int) GET_RACE(vict)], GET_NAME(vict), GET_HOST(vict) && *GET_HOST(vict) ? GET_HOST(vict) : "(NOHOST)", ctime(&vict->player.time.logon)); free_char(vict); return; } 31. find do_show and find this block of code: send_to_char(ch, "Player: %-12s (%s) [%2d %s]\r\n", GET_NAME(vict), genders[(int) GET_SEX(vict)], GET_LEVEL(vict), class_abbrevs[(int) GET_CLASS(vict)]); send_to_char(ch, "Au: %-8d Bal: %-8d Exp: %-8d Align: %-5d Lessons: %-3d\r\n", GET_GOLD(vict), GET_BANK_GOLD(vict), GET_EXP(vict), GET_ALIGNMENT(vict), GET_PRACTICES(vict)); change it too: send_to_char(ch, "Player: %-12s (%s) [%2d %s %s]\r\n", GET_NAME(vict), genders[(int) GET_SEX(vict)], GET_LEVEL(vict), class_abbrevs[(int) GET_CLASS(vict)], race_abbrevs[(int) GET_RACE(vict)]); send_to_char(ch, "Au: %-8d Bal: %-8d Exp: %-8d Align: %-5d Lessons: %-3d\r\n", GET_GOLD(vict), GET_BANK_GOLD(vict), GET_EXP(vict), GET_ALIGNMENT(vict), GET_PRACTICES(vict)); 32. Find do_set and under { "questhistory", LVL_GOD, PC, NUMBER }, add: { "race", LVL_BUILDER, PC, NUMBER}, Now search quest history and directly under case 57's code add: case 59: /* race */ if ((i = parse_race(*val_arg)) == RACE_UNDEFINED) { send_to_char(ch, "That is not a race.\r\n"); return (0); } GET_RACE(vict) = i; break; 33. close act.wizard.c 34. open act.informative.c *** NOTE: add #include "race.h" **** 35. search for #define WHO_FORMAT \ "Usage: who [minlev[-maxlev]] [-n name] [-c classlist] [-k] [-l] [-n] [-q] [-r] [-s] [-z]\r\n" and change it to: #define WHO_FORMAT \ "Usage: who [minlev[-maxlev]] [-n name] [-c classlist] [-t racelist] [-k] [-l] [-n] [-q] [-r] [-s] [-z]\r\n" 36. find do_who and right after int showclass = 0 add this: showrace = 0, 37. now find the case 'g' in do_who and under it add: case 't': half_chop(buf1, arg, buf); showrace = find_race_bitvector(arg); break; 38. find this: if (showclass && !(showclass & (1 << GET_CLASS(tch)))) continue; and under it add: if (showrace && !(showrace & (1 << GET_RACE(tch)))) continue; 39. now find this: if (showclass && !(showclass & (1 << GET_CLASS(tch)))) continue; and under it add: if (showrace && !(showrace & (1 << GET_RACE(tch)))) continue; 40. scroll down till you this: if (short_list) { send_to_char(ch, "%s[%2d %s] %-12.12s%s%s", (GET_LEVEL(tch) >= LVL_IMMORT ? CCYEL(ch, C_SPR) : ""), GET_LEVEL(tch), CLASS_ABBR(tch), GET_NAME(tch), CCNRM(ch, C_SPR), ((!(++num_can_see % 4)) ? "\r\n" : "")); change it too this: if (short_list) { send_to_char(ch, "%s[%2d %s %s] %-12.12s%s%s", (GET_LEVEL(tch) >= LVL_IMMORT ? CCYEL(ch, C_SPR) : ""), GET_LEVEL(tch), RACE_ABBR(tch), CLASS_ABBR(tch), GET_NAME(tch), CCNRM(ch, C_SPR), ((!(++num_can_see % 4)) ? "\r\n" : "")); 41. Couple more lines down you will see this: num_can_see++; send_to_char(ch, "%s[%2d %s] %s%s%s%s", (GET_LEVEL(tch) >= LVL_IMMORT ? CCYEL(ch, C_SPR) : ""), GET_LEVEL(tch), CLASS_ABBR(tch), GET_NAME(tch), (*GET_TITLE(tch) ? " " : ""), GET_TITLE(tch), CCNRM(ch, C_SPR)); change it too: num_can_see++; send_to_char(ch, "%s[%2d %s %s] %s%s%s%s", (GET_LEVEL(tch) >= LVL_IMMORT ? CCYEL(ch, C_SPR) : ""), GET_LEVEL(tch), RACE_ABBR(tch), CLASS_ABBR(tch), GET_NAME(tch), (*GET_TITLE(tch) ? " " : ""), GET_TITLE(tch), CCNRM(ch, C_SPR)); 48. Search do_whois and find this line: send_to_char(ch, "Class: %s\r\n", buf); under it add: send_to_char(ch, "Race : %s\r\n", pc_race_types[(int)GET_RACE(victim)]); 49. close act.informative.c 50. open interpreter.c 51. find #include "mud_event.h" and under add: #include "race.h" 52. find this bulk of code: write_to_output(d, "%s\r\nClass: ", class_menu); STATE(d) = CON_QCLASS; break; and change it too: write_to_output(d, "%s\r\nRace: ", race_menu); STATE(d) = CON_QRACE; break; 53. Right after the break; add this: case CON_QRACE: load_result = parse_race(*arg); if (load_result == RACE_UNDEFINED) { write_to_output(d, "\r\nThat's not a race.\r\nRace: "); return; } else GET_RACE(d->character) = load_result; write_to_output(d, "%s\r\nClass: ", class_menu); STATE(d) = CON_QCLASS; break; 54. now close interpreter.c 55. open shop.c 56. under #include "screen.h" add: #include "race.h" 57. now find trade_letters now add the following above "\n" "Human", "Elf", "Dwarf", 58. now search notrade and above all the notrade classes add: if ((IS_HUMAN(ch) && NOTRADE_HUMAN(shop_nr)) || (IS_ELF(ch) && NOTRADE_ELF(shop_nr)) || (IS_DWARF(ch) && NOTRADE_DWARF(shop_nr))) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s", GET_NAME(ch), MSG_NO_SELL_RACE); do_tell(keeper, buf, cmd_tell, 0); return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); 59. close shop.c 60. open shop.h 61. Search TRADE_NOGOOD then under NOWARRIOR add: #define TRADE_NOHUMAN (1 << 7) #define TRADE_NOELF (1 << 8) #define TRADE_NODWARF (1 << 9) also change NUM_TRADERS to 10. 62. Now search NOTRADE_WARRIOR and under it add: #define NOTRADE_HUMAN(i) (IS_SET(SHOP_TRADE_WITH((i)), TRADE_NOHUMAN)) #define NOTRADE_ELF(i) (IS_SET(SHOP_TRADE_WITH((i)), TRADE_NOELF)) #define NOTRADE_DWARF(i) (IS_SET(SHOP_TRADE_WITH((i)), TRADE_NODWARF)) 63. Find MSG_CANT_KILL_KEEPER and under it add: #define MSG_NO_SELL_RACE "I don't sell to your race!" 64. close shop.h 65. open dg_variables.c 66. find #include "genobj.h" and under it add: #include "race.h" 67. search case 'r' and add: if (!str_cmp(field, "race")) { if (subfield && *subfield) { int ra = get_race_by_name(subfield); if (ra != -1) { GET_RACE(c) = ra; snprintf(str, slen, "1"); } else { snprintf(str, slen, "0"); } } else sprinttype(GET_RACE(c), pc_race_types, str, slen); } also change room to an else if. 68. close dg_variables.c 69. open utils.c and under #include "class.h" add: include "race.h" 70. find get_class_by_name and under it add: int get_race_by_name(char *racename) { int i; for (i=0; i<NUM_RACES; i++) if (is_abbrev(racename, pc_race_types[i])) return(i); return (-1); } 71. close utils.c 72. open utils.h and find int get_class_by_name(char * classname); under it add: int get_race_by_name(char *racename); 73. close utils.h 74. then type cd util 75. open plrtoascii.c 76. search class and under the last thing add: byte race; 77. search class again and find this line: if (player.chclass != PFDEF_CLASS) fprintf(outfile, "Clas: %d\n", (int)player.chclass); Under it add: if (player.race != PFDEF_RACE) fprintf(outfile, "Race: %d\n", (int)player.race); 78. close plrtoascii.c 79. Type cd .. and make :)

This is a bare races code. I didn't add any extra features for them. This is just to get you started. Also, I didn't touch the db.c file as I tend to always mess it up(Vatiken want to tackle that). Hopefully this transfers easily into stock tbaMUD.

10/30/2012 Edit: Fixed some small errors. Fixed dwarfs not being defined correctly for shops. Fixed instruction errors. Add how to add race to plrtoascii. Updating to snippets page.

Last edit: 31 Oct 2012 02:04 by Liko.

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21 Jun 2012 17:13 #136 by Papaya Pete
Replied by Papaya Pete on topic Re: Races
Hmm... getting some errors in trying to compile after adding in this snippit. At first it was with act.informative.c, but got that fixed and now it's with dg_variables.c. it's having an issue with this part:

case 'r':
if (!str_cmp(field, "race")) {
if (subfield && *subfield) {
int ra = get_race_by_name(subfield);
if (ra != -1) {
GET_RACE(ch) = ra; // Error here snprintf(str, slen, "1");
} else {
snprintf(str, slen, "0");
} else
sprinttype(GET_RACE(ch), pc_race_types, str, slen); // Error here }
else if (!str_cmp(field, "room")) { /* in NOWHERE, return the void */

Here are the compiling errors.
dg_variables.c:972:13: warning: statement with no effect
dg_variables.c:972:26: error: expected expression before ‘=’ token
dg_variables.c:978:22: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token
dg_variables.c:978:22: error: too few arguments to function ‘sprinttype’

I noticed that there were a few instances of 'c' being used instead of 'ch' so I changed those. Errored out before and after the change. (e.g. GET_RACE(c) instead of GET_RACE(ch))

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21 Jun 2012 17:19 - 21 Jun 2012 17:20 #137 by Rumble
Replied by Rumble on topic Re: Races
Looks like a missing ; or {}. Something similar to what you had to do to fix the previous post. Doublecheck everything and post using the code blocks so it is easier to read. You might need to include a few more lines before the error to catch the bad formatting.

Please post the fixes so we can correct it for the next person.

The Builder Academy
tbamud.com 9091
Last edit: 21 Jun 2012 17:20 by Rumble.

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21 Jun 2012 17:23 #139 by Liko
Replied by Liko on topic Re: Races

case 'r':
if (!str_cmp(field, "race")) {
if (subfield && *subfield) {
int ra = get_race_by_name(subfield);
if (ra != -1) {
GET_RACE(ch) = ra; // Error here snprintf(str, slen, "1");
} else {
snprintf(str, slen, "0");
} else
sprinttype(GET_RACE(ch), pc_race_types, str, slen); // Error here }

It looks like it may of copied wrong. It should look exactly like this:
case 'r': if (!str_cmp(field, "race")) { if (subfield && *subfield) { int ra = get_race_by_name(subfield); if (ra != -1) { GET_RACE(c) = ra; snprintf(str, slen, "1"); } else { snprintf(str, slen, "0"); } } else sprinttype(GET_RACE(c), pc_race_types, str, slen); }

Also change the instances back to c, in dg_variables uses c as the target I believe.


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21 Jun 2012 17:42 #142 by Papaya Pete
Replied by Papaya Pete on topic Re: Races
Hmmm... yeah, I double-checked and it looks exactly like that.

Oh yeah, thanks for saying that Rumble, I would've forgotten otherwise. There were a couple errors, one in act.wizard.c in which #include "race.h." should have been #include "races.h" (to match the races.h file I have). Same thing in the interpreter.c.

Here's case 'r' and I also included case 'q' and the else if that comes after case 'r'.
case 'q': if (!IS_NPC(c) && (!str_cmp(field, "questpoints") || !str_cmp(field, "qp") || !str_cmp(field, "qpnts"))) { if (subfield && *subfield) { int addition = atoi(subfield); GET_QUESTPOINTS(c) += addition; } snprintf(str, slen, "%d", GET_QUESTPOINTS(c)); } else if (!str_cmp(field, "quest")) { if (!IS_NPC(c) && (GET_QUEST(c) != NOTHING) && (real_quest(GET_QUEST(c)) != NOTHING)) snprintf(str, slen, "%d", GET_QUEST(c)); else strcpy(str, "0"); } else if (!str_cmp(field, "questdone")) { if (!IS_NPC(c) && subfield && *subfield) { int q_num = atoi(subfield); if (is_complete(c, q_num)) strcpy(str, "1"); else strcpy(str, "0"); } else strcpy(str, "0"); } break; case 'r': if (!str_cmp(field, "race")) { if (subfield && *subfield) { int ra = get_race_by_name(subfield); if (ra != -1) { GET_RACE(c) = ra; snprintf(str, slen, "1"); } else { snprintf(str, slen, "0"); } } else sprinttype(GET_RACE(c), pc_race_types, str, slen); } else if (!str_cmp(field, "room")) { /* in NOWHERE, return the void */ /* see note in dg_scripts.h */

I've never done code blocks on here. Hope it looks Ok and is easier to read. Seems that way in the preview window.

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21 Jun 2012 17:53 #143 by Liko
Replied by Liko on topic Re: Races
Interesting I copy your exact code into my compiler and it compiles fine. It looks fine. Did you include your race file?


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