here are some things that may help programmers. Feel free to add your own tips:
C Keywords:
auto: Defines a local variable
break: Passes control out of a the compound statement
case: Used in switch statement to represent the branch point containing the compound statement.
char: Represents the data type that holds characters
const: makes variable value or pointer parameter unmodifiable
continue: Passes control to the beginning of the lop
default: Specifies the default block of code in a switch statement
do: keyword do is usually used together with while to make another form of repeating statement. It starts a do while loop.
double: represents a double precision floating point data type.
else: Indicates an alternative branch in the if else statement
enum: Defines a set constants of type int
extern: Indicates that an identifier is defined elsewhere
float: The keyword float usually represents a single precision floating point data type.
for: Used in for loop to provide iteration facility repeatedly
goto: Used to jump the control unconditionally from one part to another
if: Used to execute the statements conditionally
int: Refers to a fundamental data type that holds integer type values.
long: Modifier used to hold long type values along with basic data.
register: Tells the compiler to store the variable being declared in a CPU register
return: Exits immediately from the currently executing function to the calling routine, optionally returning a value
short: Modifier used to represent the short type values of basic data types
signed: Modifier that holds the signed type values of data type
sizeof: Returns the size of a specified parameter
static: Preserves variable value to survive after its scope ends
struct: Groups variables into a single record
switch: Multiple branching statement which causes control to branch to one of a list of possible statements in the block of statements
tyepdef: Assigns new name to data type definition
union: Groups the variables sharing the same storage space
unsigned: Modifier used to represent the unsigned type values of a data type
void: Represents the empty data type.
volatile: Indicates that a variable can be changed by a background routine
while: Repeats execution of statements while condition is true
Data Types:
char: %c
signed char: %c(%hhi for numerical output) Range: -127, 127
unsigned char: %c(%hhu for numerical output)
short,short int, signed short, signed short int: %hi Range: -32767, 32767
unsigned short, unsigned short int: %hu
int, signed, signed int: %i or %d Range: -32767, 32767
unsigned, unsigned it: %u
long, long int, signed long, signed long int: %li Range: −2147483647, 2147483647
unsigned long, unsigned long int: %lu
long long, long long int, signed long long, signed long long int: %lli Range: −9223372036854775807, 9223372036854775807
unsigned long long, unsigned long long int: %llu
float: %f
double: %f, %F, %g, %G, %e, %E
long double: %Lf, %LF, %Lg, %LG, %Le, %LE
Escape Sequences:
\a - Alert(bell) character
\b - Backspace
\f - Form Feed
\n - Newline
\r - Carriage Return
\t - Horizontal tab
\v - Vertical tab
\\ - Backslash
\' - Single quotation mark
\" - Double quotation mark
\? - Question Mark
\0 - Null character
\ooo - Octal Number
\xhhh - Hexadecimal Number