Decided it wasn't worth it for the wait. Completed was used on a mob mobile guarding entrance to mudschool going north. Edited from guard script currently in tbamud.
Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles
Trigger Type: Leave , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
if %direction% == north
if %actor.level% > 5
%send% %actor% The guard humiliates you, and blocks your way.
%echoaround% %actor% The guard humiliates, and blocks %actor.hisher% way.
%send% %actor% The guard punches you, sending you flying down the stairs!
%echoaround% %actor% The guard punches, sending flying down the
%teleport% %actor% 3001
%echoaround% %actor% You see get thrown out of Mudschool. Yikes!
%send% %actor% You hit the ground with a BOOM!
%echoaround% %actor% hits the ground with a BOOM!
%force% %actor% look
return 0
Edit: found what I was looking for earlier, but don't think my previous idea was well thought out so it was scrapped.
Builders working on their trial vnum do not need to learn this command, yet.
Usage: attach mob {trigger vnum/name} {mob name} [location]
attach obj {trigger vnum/name} {obj name} [location]
attach room {trigger vnum/name} {room vnum} [location]
Attach lets you attach a trigger to one instance of a mob/obj/room, for
testing or other purposes. The command only attaches the trigger once,
and will not last over a reboot (or crash).
The 'location' is what number in the triggerlist the trigger will assume.
It is important to first attach a trigger to test before you manually add it
through oedit/medit/redit.
attach room 14500 14520 - Attaches room trigger 14500 to room 14520.
attach mob 1332 Santa - Attaches mob trigger 1332 to mob 1308 (Santa).
attach obj 1480 sword - Attaches obj trigger 1480 to a sword.
The other command is detach.
Have to add, if you're learning like I am by going through forum posts and examples already in the mud, it's quite fun isn't it?