Hey all,
I am back working on MUDs. I am utilizing the most recent version of tbaMUD as a base and will be implementing a lot of the features I had created with Fallout South (which also used an older version of tbaMUD as its base).
The new MUD is called Dead Survival and is a post apocalyptic style mud with a nasty zombie problem. I just started it a few weeks ago so there is an absolute ton of work to get it to where it needs to be for building to start. I have already ripped out all classes and replaced the stat system with what I call V.I.T.A.L.S. Whereas fallout used a skill system similar to the fallout games where you had various expertise settings (guns, explosives, melee, etc..) I am going to use a FF7 Materia like system in this game where skills are granted via skill chips that will have minimum VITALS stats for use and that can level-up. I am also going to implement a nice "remort" system as well as character perm-death after a certain number of deaths (50 for first remort) with the allowance going down the more you remort (but higher max VITALS allowance after every remort as well).
The ultimate idea is that is a fast paced MUD where you are never limited to certain "Class" roles and can easily swap equipment and skill chips to cater to certain situations. Players should be able to level-up fairly quickly and even if they do experience perm-death they could start fresh with a new character and essentially equip almost back up to the point they were before, given that they have decent equipment and skill chips in their storage locker or they can get to their corpse (which might not have risen as a zombie by this time) and obtain their old equipment.
I am not sure if I posted it up on here or not, but previously I was able to tweak the old circle Assemblies patch to fully work with tbaMUD and then I added in a ton of extras to it to create one of the most robust crafting systems I have seen in a MUD. I will be doing the same for this one as well. Almost everything you come across can be used in some form or fashion -- there is no junk!
I look forward to getting back involved with the Mudding community.