tbaMUD source code.
In file act.informative.c, we have the look_at_room function, which calls the list_obj_to_char function to list all objects in the room. Unfortunately, this list is being constructed or displayed in reverse order. That is... the first obj in the list should appear at the top of the list, the second obj should appear second, etcetera.
However, the exact opposite occurs. The first object is displayed at the bottom of the list, the second object id just above the first, etcetera. As if, iterating through a loop/list/array in reverse.
Ordinarily, this wouldn't be an issue. However, if you're standing in a room with a fountain or message board, then any items dropped by a player are listed in the room above the board or fountain. This is not right! We can not have players, literally, moving fountains around the room.
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