A simple languages snippet updated from CircleMUD to tbaMUD.
I'm sure it has some wee issues, but it's at least functioning, I expanded it a bit to make sure your currently spoken language saves over logout/reboot/etc., the garbled text works for languages a player doesn't speak, so on and so forth. I thought I'd share, in the spirit of my probably apparent "lets translate a billion out of date snippets to tbaMUD!" movement.
I intend to combine do_say with do_langsay in the future, but for most peoples' uses you can just replace do_say with the do_langsay below. Just remember to change do_langsay to do_say. Languages are skills that can be practiced up by percentages per the norm.
If anyone knows who wrote the original I would love to cite them as the author.
Usage: languages
lang <language>
langsay <message
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