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Usage: emote <message with or without tokens>
Emotes describe what your character is doing in present tense, as well as what
they say aloud. They do not address what your character is thinking or feeling,
though including information about facial expressions, tone of voice, or
otherwise describing what might be noticed is encouraged.
Our emote command combines many of the commands on other games, such as @emit,
rpose, rpecho, or echo. Your character, other players, clothing, or items can be
targeting using emote tokens, such as @, *, or /. In the examples below, my
character's intro is "a poised blonde":
Example 1: emote lifts her hand and wiggles the fingers.
A poised blonde lifts her hand and wiggles the fingers.
Example 2: emote With a faint smile, @ turns and walks away.
With a faint smile, a poised blonde turns and walks away.
Exmaple 3: emote Laughing gaily, @ throws a pillow at /Maker.
Laughing gaily, a poised blonde throws a pillow at a bearded man.
Example 4: emote tugs upon the sleeve of *gown.
A posed blonde tugs upon the sleeve of a flowing indigo gown.
/<name> <intro/short desc of target>
/<name>'s <intro/short desc of target>'s
@ <your intro/short desc>
*<equipped or carried obj> <obj sdesc with color>