Papaya Pete hasn't edited the original post so I would say it hasn't been updated.
/* Decide whether this is a hit or a miss.
* Victim asleep = hit, otherwise:
* 1 = Automatic miss.
* 2..19 = Checked vs. AC.
* 20 = Automatic hit. */
if (diceroll == 20 || !AWAKE(victim))
dam = TRUE;
else if (diceroll == 1)
dam = FALSE;
dam = (calc_thaco - diceroll <= victim_ac);
+ /* Dodge and Parry Snippet */
+ if (dam) {
+ if (!IS_NPC(victim) && GET_SKILL(victim, SKILL_PARRY) > 0) {
+ prob = rand_number(1, 101);
+ if (prob < GET_SKILL(victim, SKILL_PARRY)) {
+ chance = rand_number(1, 100);
+ if (chance <= 15) {
+ act("$N parries your attack!", FALSE, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
+ act("You parry $n's attack!", FALSE, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
+ act("$N parries $n's attack!", FALSE, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
+ dam = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (GET_SKILL(victim, SKILL_PARRY) > 0)
+ chance = rand_number(1, 100);
+ else
+ chance = 0;
+ if ((chance <= 10) && (GET_SKILL(victim, SKILL_PARRY) < 80) && (GET_SKILL(victim, SKILL_PARRY) > 0)) {
+ send_to_char(victim, "\tGYour parrying skill has gone up!\tn\r\n");
+ GET_SKILL(victim, SKILL_PARRY) += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!IS_NPC(victim) && GET_SKILL(victim, SKILL_DODGE) > 0) {
+ prob = rand_number(1, 101);
+ if (prob < GET_SKILL(victim, SKILL_DODGE)) {
+ chance = rand_number(1, 100);
+ if (chance <= 15 ) {
+ act("$N dodges your attack!", FALSE, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
+ act("You dodge $n's attack!", FALSE, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT);
+ act("$N dodges $n's attack!", FALSE, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT);
+ dam = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (GET_SKILL(victim, SKILL_DODGE) > 0)
+ chance = rand_number(1, 100);
+ else
+ chance = 0;
+ if ((chance <= 10) && (GET_SKILL(victim, SKILL_DODGE) < 80) && (GET_SKILL(victim, SKILL_DODGE) > 0)) {
+ send_to_char(victim, "\tGYour dodging skill has gone up!\tn\r\n");
+ GET_SKILL(victim, SKILL_DODGE) += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* End Dodge and Parry */
if (!dam)
/* the attacker missed the victim */
damage(ch, victim, 0, type == SKILL_BACKSTAB ? SKILL_BACKSTAB : w_type);
else {
This code also assumes you have added the two new skills SKILL_DODGE and SKILL_PARRY.
You'd want to test the balance for the frequency of parry and dodge proccing - currently it has a 15% chance to proc provided the character makes their skill check.
Also doesn't check whether you need a weapon to parry.
Dodge will be tested even if parry was successful earlier.
But a great starting point I think.