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Question d20MUD Codebase Available for Download

15 Nov 2012 06:28 #1063 by zusuk
I noticed that Gicker never got a chance to announce it here, so I'll do it for him :P His old fantasy-MUD codebase he put out in the public since he moved his focus to a d20 Star Wars MUD.

It's a conglomeration of code built on top of CWG. It's honestly poorly documented and buggy, BUT it definitely has some really great elements in the code. Including stuff people specifically have requested on here. Like an account system, interface with mySQL DB.. etc

It is fairly loyal to d20 mechanics, moreso than I've seen so far in the public.

Also I've gotten to know Gicker myself, and he's a -really- great guy, so everyone should take a chance to get to know him by visiting his MUD sometime :)

d20MUD Forgotten Realms/Dragonlance Codebase

His current website / MUD


Main Game Port

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