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Question Affects

16 Mar 2021 02:38 #9788 by Cansian
Affects was created by Cansian

Im trying to update an old mud (from circlemud and before) to current tba but got an issue with the affects.
Earlier (at least in that mud) the AFF_BLIND started at 0, but now its 1 (the 0 is AFF_DONTUSE). So they load wrong.
As the world files are already in 128bits format, I just commented the loading in parse_mobile and parse_objects so the mud is running without loaded affects. As expected, casting or setting them in other way work as it should.
Any idea how to fix that mess so it can load properly?


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17 Mar 2021 22:08 #9791 by doogie
Replied by doogie on topic Affects
Hi Cansian,

I believe that is related to the 128 bit patch... If that patch was properly applied, 0 would become AFF_DONTUSE. Since you say you were already using 128 bit files, if that is not the case with your codebase, either you're dealing with some sort of custom implementation or the patch was incorrectly installed. There are a couple of snipits on the old CircleMUD contrib folder that will convert files to 128bits, but they assume you're using the old format files.

If you're stuck in the middle, you might be able to reference 128conv.txt as a guide to write a script to convert your mob files.  You'll have to mod it, but if everything is off by one, that seems like an easy fix... write a script to read each file and increment each AFF flag by a value of 1.  Of course, I'd make a copy to practice on so as not to ruin the .mob files.  Are you using a lot of stock zones?  Care to post one so we can see what you're dealing with? It might be helpful to see your structs.h too.


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28 Apr 2021 18:24 - 28 Apr 2021 19:09 #9832 by Cansian
Replied by Cansian on topic Affects
Sorry, i got a little sick and hurt my hand. Pinky and ring fingers are numbed, and it's some synovial cyst pressing the ulnar nerve but now I'm under painkillers and rest. But, anyways:
I tried using the 128conv in a copy but still was stuck. 
Warning: Spoiler!

Last edit: 28 Apr 2021 19:09 by Cansian. Reason: Added screenshots

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