Jump into aedit (action edit) and look over the sing social.
Socials can be targeted to bodyparts. I guess so you can do important things like poke someone in the eye...
When you type 'sing playername hi' the social treats it like this:
Jan wants to sing to playername's hi.
It thinks 'hi' is a bodypart, it doesn't treat it like a sentence.
To make sing a way of communicating you'd add it to do_spec_comm like ask/whispering - and remove the social.
aedit sing
Do you wish to edit the 'sing' action?
-- Action editor
n) Command : sing 1) Sort as Command : sing
2) Min Position[CH]: Resting 3) Min Position [VT]: Dead
4) Min Level [CH]: 0 5) Show if Invisible: NOT HIDDEN
a) Char [NO ARG]: You raise your clear (?) voice towards the sky.
b) Others [NO ARG]: SEEK SHELTER AT ONCE! $n has begun to sing.
c) Char [NOT FOUND]: Sing away no-one will hear.
d) Char [ARG SELF]: You raise your clear (?) voice towards the sky, serenading yourself.
e) Others[ARG SELF]: SEEK SHELTER AT ONCE! $n has begun to serenade $mself.
f) Char [VICT]: You serenade $M.
g) Others [VICT]: $n sings softly to $N.
h) Victim [VICT]: $n sings you a love song.
i) Char [BODY PRT]: You sing to $S $t.
j) Others[BODY PRT]: $n sings to $N's $t.
k) Victim[BODY PRT]: $n sings to your $t.
l) Char [OBJ]: You sing to $p.
m) Others [OBJ]: $n sings to $p.
q) Quit
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