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Idea DG Scripts Code Syntax Highlighting

07 Oct 2015 16:33 #5519 by brmud
Hello, my contribution to the tbamud code, syntax highlighting will help many new and old builders better understand the scripts.

Feel free to use, share and improve the code.

The only problem I see is in the social commands, should identify and color only if the social is the beginning of the line, is currently coloring anywhere in the command.

+++ file: dg_olc.c, in function: void trigedit_parse(struct descriptor_data *d, char *arg)
+++ Change original case '6': if (OLC_STORAGE(d)) { write_to_output(d, "%s", OLC_STORAGE(d)); d->backstr = strdup(OLC_STORAGE(d)); } +++ To include the syntax lighlighting: if (OLC_STORAGE(d)) { clear_screen(d); script_syntax_highlighting(d, OLC_STORAGE(d)); //write_to_output(d, "%s", OLC_STORAGE(d)); d->backstr = strdup(OLC_STORAGE(d)); }

+++ file: dg_olc.c, add the following lines before function: void trigedit_parse(struct descriptor_data *d, char *arg)
/**************************************************************************************** DG Scripts Code Syntax Highlighting Created by Victor Almeida (aka Stoneheart) in Brazil from BrMUD:Tormenta www.tormenta.com.br (mudbrasil@gmail.com) License: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. *****************************************************************************************/ // Change a string for another without memory bugs char *str_replace(const char *string, const char *substr, const char *replacement) { char *tok = NULL; char *newstr = NULL; char *oldstr = NULL; char *head = NULL; // if either substr or replacement is NULL, duplicate string a let caller handle it if (substr == NULL || replacement == NULL) { return strdup (string); } newstr = strdup (string); head = newstr; while ((tok = strstr(head, substr))) { oldstr = newstr; newstr = malloc(strlen(oldstr) - strlen(substr) + strlen (replacement) + 1); // Failed to alloc mem, free old string and return NULL if (newstr == NULL) { free (oldstr); return NULL; } memcpy (newstr, oldstr, tok - oldstr); memcpy (newstr + (tok - oldstr), replacement, strlen (replacement)); memcpy (newstr + (tok - oldstr) + strlen(replacement), tok + strlen (substr), strlen (oldstr) - strlen (substr) - (tok - oldstr)); memset (newstr + strlen (oldstr) - strlen(substr) + strlen (replacement) , 0, 1 ); // move back head right after the last replacement head = newstr + (tok - oldstr) + strlen( replacement); free (oldstr); } return newstr; } // You can easily change the color code (\tn) to the old one (@n or &n) #define SYNTAX_TERMS 49 const char *syntax_color_replacement[SYNTAX_TERMS][2] = { // script logic (10) { "if", "\tcif\tn" }, // 0 { "elseif", "\tcelseif\tn" }, { "else", "\tcelse\tn" }, { "end", "\tcend\tn" }, { "switch", "\tcswitch\tn" }, { "case", "\tccase\tY" }, { "default", "\tcdefault\tn" }, { "break", "\tcbreak\tn" }, { "while", "\tcwhile\tn" }, { "done", "\tcdone\tn" }, // commands (15) { "eval ", "\tceval\tY " }, //10 { "nop ", "\tcnop\tY " }, { "extract ", "\tcextract\tY " }, { "dg_letter ", "\tcdg_letter\tY " }, { "makeuid ", "\tcmakeuid\tY " }, { "dg_cast ", "\tcdg_cast\tY " }, { "dg_affect ", "\tcdg_affect\tY " }, { "global ", "\tcglobal\tY " }, { "context ", "\tccontext\tY " }, { "remote ", "\tcremot\tce\tY " }, { "rdelete ", "\tcrdelete\tY " }, // 20 { "set ", "\tcset\tY " }, { "unset ", "\tcunset\tY " }, { "attach ", "\tcattach\tY " }, { "detach ", "\tcdetach\tY " }, // stopping (3) { "wait", "\trwait" }, { "return", "\trreturn" }, { "halt", "\trhalt" }, // operands (12) { "||", "\tc||\tY" }, { "&&", "\tc&&\tY" }, { "==", "\tc==\tY" }, // 30 { "!=", "\tc!=\tY" }, { "<=", "\tc<=\tY" }, { ">=", "\tc>=\tY" }, { "< ", "\tc< \tY" }, { "> ", "\tc> \tY" }, { "/=", "\tc/=\tY" }, { "!", "\tc!\tn" }, { "(", "\tc(\tY" }, { ")", "\tc)\tn" }, // corrective (4) { "\tc!\tn=", "\tc!=\tY" }, // 40 { "%s\tcend\tn%", "\tm%\tosend%\tn" }, { "%\tc)", "\tm%\tc)" }, { ")\tn%", ")\tm%"}, // variables (5) { "% ", "\tm%\tn " }, { "%,", "\tm%\tn," }, { "%.", "\tm%\tn." }, { "%:", "\tm%\tn:" }, { "%", "\tm%\to" } // 48 }; // Here you can include more commands usually used in your triggers #define COMMAND_TERMS 35 const char *command_color_replacement[COMMAND_TERMS][2] = { // Mob specific commands (25) { "marena", "\tcmarena\tn" }, // 0 { "masound", "\tcmasound\tn" }, { "mkill", "\tcmkill\tn" }, { "mjunk", "\tcmjunk\tn" }, { "mdamage", "\tcmdamage\tn" }, { "mdoor", "\tcmdoor\tn" }, { "mecho", "\tcmecho\tn" }, { "mrecho", "\tcmrecho\tn" }, { "mechoaround", "\tcmechoaround\tn" }, { "msend", "\tcmsend\tn" }, { "mload", "\tcmload\tn" }, // 10 { "mpurge", "\tcmpurge\tn" }, { "mgoto", "\tcmgoto\tn" }, { "mteleport", "\tcmteleport\tn" }, { "mforce", "\tcmforce\tn" }, { "mhunt", "\tcmhunt\tn" }, { "mremember", "\tcmremember\tn" }, { "mforget", "\tcmforget\tn" }, { "mtransform", "\tcmtransform\tn" }, { "mzoneecho", "\tcmzoneecho\tn" }, { "mfollow", "\tcmfollow\tn" }, // 20 { "mquest", "\tcmquest\tn" }, { "malign", "\tcmalign\tn" }, { "mcast", "\tcmcast\tn" }, { "mdismiss", "\tcmdismiss\tn" }, // common commands (10) { "drop ", "\tcdrop \tn" }, { "emote ", "\tcemote \tn" }, { "give ", "\tcgive \tn" }, { "say ", "\tcsay \tn" }, { "tell ", "\tctell \tn" }, { "unlock ", "\tcunlock \tn" }, // 30 { "lock ", "\tclock \tn" }, { "open ", "\tcopen \tn" }, { "close ", "\tcclose \tn" }, { "junk ", "\tcjunk \tn" } // 34 }; void script_syntax_highlighting(struct descriptor_data *d, char *string) { ACMD(do_action); char buffer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = ""; char *newlist, *curtok; int i; // Parse script text line by line newlist = strdup(string); for (curtok = strtok(newlist, "\r\n"); curtok; curtok = strtok(NULL, "\r\n")) { char *line = strdup(curtok); bool comment = FALSE; // Find if is a comment for (i=0;i <= strlen(line);i++) { // skip initial spaces if (strncmp(&line[i], " ", 1) == 0) { continue; } // is a comment, highlight if (strncmp(&line[i], "*", 1) == 0) { line = str_replace(line, "*", "\tg*"); comment = TRUE; break; } // not a comment else { comment = FALSE; break; } } // Highlight lines if (!comment) { // Syntax replacement for (i=0;i <= SYNTAX_TERMS;i++) { line = str_replace(line, syntax_color_replacement[i][0], syntax_color_replacement[i][1]); } // Commands replacement for (i=0;i <= COMMAND_TERMS;i++) { line = str_replace(line, command_color_replacement[i][0], command_color_replacement[i][1]); } // Socials replacement (experimental) int cmd; for (cmd = 0; *complete_cmd_info[cmd].command != '\n'; cmd++) { if (complete_cmd_info[cmd].command_pointer == do_action) { char replace_social[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; sprintf(replace_social, "\tc%s\tn", complete_cmd_info[cmd].command); line = str_replace(line, complete_cmd_info[cmd].command, replace_social); } } } sprintf(buffer, "%s%s\tn\r\n", buffer, line); } page_string(d, buffer, TRUE); } /****************************************************************************************/
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fizban

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27 Nov 2015 16:16 #5536 by Fizban
Neat idea, actually shocked no one else has seemingly thought of this till now, especially since XML was added to the codebase.

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31 Jan 2016 10:12 #5576 by zusuk
Hah, genuinely great idea!

Has this been added to the TBA codebase officially?


Main Game Port

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01 Feb 2016 13:31 #5577 by Rumble
Nope, I must have missed this post while I was gone.

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