Name: 'Apprentice healer - 201', VNum: [ 146], RNum: [ 146]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles
Trigger Type: Random , Numeric Arg: 20, Arg list: None
* By Rumble of The Builder Academy 9091
* This is required because a random trig does not have an actor.
set actor %random.char%
* only continue if an actor is defined.
if %actor%
* If they have lost more than half their hitpoints heal them.
if %actor.hitp% < %actor.maxhitp% / 2
wait 1 sec
tell You are injured, let me help.
wait 2 sec
%echoaround% %actor% lays %self.hisher% hands on's wounds and bows %actor.hisher% head in concentration.
%send% %actor% lays %self.hisher% hands on your wounds and bows %actor.hisher% head in concentration.
dg_cast 'heal' %actor%
for TBA.