So, here's what we're trying to do, and I think maybe our experience with another mud's OLC may be affecting my thought process as I'm trying to help work this out, so I'm going to ask:
Is there a way to load an object or mob to an entirely separate room than the one where the trigger is being fired?
For example: When you go talk to a mob, during its speech trigger can it also load an object or mob to an entirely different room?
We have tried: %at% (roomnumber) load mob (mobnumber), %at% (roomnumber) %load% mob (mobnumber) and %at% (roomnumber) load obj (objnumber), %at% (roomnumber) %load% obj (objnumber)
Something like this:
say That's why she makes the best tracker. <-- mob is speaking
say She thinks like her quarry. <-- mob is speaking
%at% 1944 %load% obj 1912 <-- as mob speaks it loads object 1912 into room 1944 so it can now be found as part of this
Is it possible, are we missing a step, are we overcomplicating things...?
Thank you!