Parna's Watch List:
I was pondering letting these ones go because they're very basic. Rumble's comments pretty much say what there is to say about these. However, I hated to miss a TotD so soon after starting Parna's watch list so I thought I'd drop a few comments.
What's with the comments about wait? There is no wait there and is it possible to fire before the player enters the room anyway?
If you use that first one, make sure to adjust it to have some sort of meaning. This one is just a really basic demonstration of %at% (exactly as it says it is). It's not spying on anything or anyone, it's not giving any information. As long as it's running, it will just keep spamming room 33 with the message:
at'd to a room
at'd to a room
and spamming Rumble with the message:
at'd to Rumble
at'd to Rumble
In fact, if Rumble is in room 33, he'll get double-spammed:
at'd to a room
at'd to Rumble
at'd to a room
at'd to Rumble
Rumble, doesn't this make you at all nervous?
The second one is a bit more fun and a bit more useful (to use or abuse, as Rumble says). Note the variables which tell Rumble who is saying what in front of this mob. Again, the wait comment doesn't seem to mean anything. If Rumble isn't on the mud at the time, though, you'll see an error message whenever anyone says anything in the same room as the mob. You'll get the same error messages with the first one (and a lot more of them!) although the %at% 33 will work as long as there's a room 33, no matter if it's empty, or if there's a mob and/or a player in the room.