I created a spirit guide to follow newbies around and the actor can summon and banish it at will with an orb in their inventory. The trouble I am having is how to see if the spirit is already summoned and following the actor.
Here is a basic version of the trigger for summoning:
Trigger Editor [14133]
1) Name : summon spirit
2) Intended for : Objects
3) Trigger types: Command
4) Numeric Arg : 7
5) Arguments : sum
6) Commands:
if ("%arg%" == "spirit")
%load% mob 14111
%force% spirit follow %actor.name%
%send% %actor% Summon who?
I removed all of the waits and action text to simplify it for this single purpose. So big question. Can an object determine whether this spirit is already following the actor? The vnum of the spirit is 14111.