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Question Trigger of the Day - Poofs

28 Mar 2014 12:53 #4781 by Rumble
I made this one on request before TBA switched to ASCII pfiles (CircleMUD never saved poofs). A builder just needs to attach this trig to a mob in their loadroom. This ACT trigger fires off the text "has entered the game." To make it apply only to your immortal add "<name> has entered the game."
Name: 'Rumble's Random Poofs', VNum: [ 1372], RNum: [ 438] Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles Trigger Type: Act , Numeric Arg: 0, Arg list: has entered the game. Commands: * By Rumble of The Builder Academy builderacademy.net 9091 * To generate random poofs at login just set your loadroom to wherever this * mob is. Does not work for level 32 and above. eval maxpoofin %random.24% set poofins[1] appears with a strange wooshing sound and climbs out of a pneumatic air tube like they use at the bank. set poofins[2] thinks himself into existence. set poofins[3] soars into the room like a bird, and THWAP! right into a window. set poofins[4] crawls out of the ground gasping for air. set poofins[5] appears in a flash of blinding nothingness! set poofins[6] falls from the sky above, screaming until he hits the ground. SPLAT! like a bug on a windshield. set poofins[7] appears with a dulcet bang. set poofins[8] appears with a sonic boom. set poofins[9] wanders into the room while practicing omphaloskepsis. set poofins[10] somersaults into the room. set poofins[11] stumbles into the room, tripping over his own feet and falling flat on his face. set poofins[12] dives into the room doing a two and a half tuck gainer, right into the dirt. set poofins[13] runs into the room screaming and looking over his shoulder. set poofins[14] steps out of your shadow. set poofins[15] forms out of the very essence of your shadow to hang in the air before you. set poofins[16] climbs out of your left nostril. set poofins[17] has abandoned his search for truth and is now looking for a good fantasy. set poofins[18] wishes he was a donut specialist. set poofins[19] can resist everything but temptation. set poofins[20] is searching for a near life experience. set poofins[21] walks into the room fashionably early. set poofins[22] hanglides into the room. set poofins[23] parachutes into the room performing a perfect parachute landing fall, except for the fact that he landed backside first. set poofins[24] does a cannonball into room, injuring himself on the hard ground. eval poofin %%poofins[%maxpoofin%]%% %force% %actor% set self poofin %poofin% * eval maxpoofout %random.20% set poofouts[1] is chased out of the room by a barrel of rabid monkeys. set poofouts[2] creates a pneumatic air tube, like they use at the banks, and steps in. He is sucked out of sight. set poofouts[3] thinks himself out of existence. set poofouts[4] walks out saying 'time to make the donuts.' set poofouts[5] goes super critical and has a meltdown. Nothing remains but a pile of steaming radioactive mush. set poofouts[6] disappears in a flash of blinding nothingness! set poofouts[7] merges with his surroundings and vanishes. set poofouts[8] morphs into millions of ants, which run off in all directions. set poofouts[9] senses that everything is well, so he floats away. set poofouts[10] goes to hell in a handbasket. set poofouts[11] does somersaults out of the room. set poofouts[12] dives out of the room doing three rotations in the jackknife position. set poofouts[13] stumbles out of the room with a look of confusion on his face, must have forgotten where he parked. set poofouts[14] steps into your shadow and disappears. set poofouts[15] points behind you with a look of horror. While you turn away he disappears chuckling 'made you look'. set poofouts[16] doesn't like saying goodbye, so he didn't. set poofouts[17] completes an intricate spell of chantings and gestures that creates an inter-dimensional portal of space and time. Before he steps through it and disappears you notice a 'made in china' sticker on its bottom. set poofouts[18] creates a huge rubber band, straps himself into the middle of it and stretches it back like a slingshot. With a wave he releases it and is hurtled out of sight. set poofouts[19] straps an ACME rocket to his back and asks, 'got a light?' right before it explodes and sends him soaring. set poofouts[20] puts on a helmet and climbs into the barrel of an ACME cannon. It explodes sending pieces of Rumble off into the distance. eval poofout %%poofouts[%maxpoofout%]%% %force% %actor% set self poofout %poofout%
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29 Mar 2014 17:26 #4785 by Parnassus
I've always loved this one!

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22 Jul 2014 23:20 #4957 by Parnassus
Just to amuse myself, I've made some changes to Rumble's trigger. I feel that making changes to a proven trigger is a good exercise in triggering. It also gives you a feel for how the parts of the trigger work. If I actually use the trigger, I would, whenever possible, reference the author. If I like the trigger enough to use it, it's good enough that the author should get credit.

So, to play with this one, I've changed it so that instead of having totally random poofins and poofouts, I've linked them so your comings and goings are similar. This meant taking out or replacing some that didn't match. Some match better than others. The other change was to make it into a room trigger so that popping into the room would automatically change your poofs without the use of a mob. The trigger should only be used in a room where people would not enter in normal circumstance. One variation (11) does not work properly but I left it in as a warning. It's possible that the line is too long.
Name: 'Parna's Random Poofs', VNum: [60879], RNum: [ 4610] Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms Trigger Type: Enter Login , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None Commands: * By Rumble of The Builder Academy builderacademy.net 9091 * Edited by Parnassus tbamud.com port 9091 * To generate random poofs at login just set your loadroom to wherever this * trigger is. Does not work for level 33 and above or if nohassle is set. eval poofnumber %random.20% set poofins[1] appears with a strange wooshing sound and climbs out of a pneumatic air tube like they use at the bank. set poofouts[1] creates a pneumatic air tube, like they use at the banks, steps in and is sucked out of sight. set poofins[2] thinks %actor.himher%self into existence. set poofouts[2] thinks %actor.himher%self out of existence. set poofins[3] appears in a flash of blinding nothingness! set poofouts[3] disappears in a flash of blinding nothingness! set poofins[4] somersaults into the room. set poofouts[4] does somersaults out of the room. set poofins[5] dives into the room doing a two and a half tuck gainer, right into the dirt. set poofouts[5] dives out of the room doing three rotations in the jackknife position. set poofins[6] stumbles into the room, tripping over %actor.hisher% own feet and falling flat on %actor.hisher% face. set poofouts[6] stumbles out of the room with a look of confusion on %actor.hisher% face, must have forgotten where %actor.heshe% parked. set poofins[7] wishes %actor.heshe% was a donut specialist. set poofouts[7] walks out saying 'time to make the donuts.' set poofins[8] soars into the room like a bird, and THWAP! right into a window. set poofouts[8] points behind you with a look of horror. While you turn away %actor.heshe% disappears chuckling 'made you look'. set poofins[9] forms out of the very essence of your shadow to hang in the air before you. set poofouts[9] merges with %actor.hisher% surroundings and vanishes. set poofins[10] steps out of your shadow. set poofouts[10] steps into your shadow and disappears. set poofins[11] parachutes into the room performing a perfect parachute landing fall, except for the fact that %actor.heshe% landed backside first. set poofouts[11] puts on a helmet and climbs into the barrel of an ACME cannon. It explodes sending pieces of %actor.name% off into the distance. set poofins[12] does a cannonball into room, injuring %actor.himher%self on the hard ground. set poofouts[12] straps an ACME rocket to %actor.hisher% back and asks, 'got a light?' right before it explodes and sends %actor.himher% soaring. set poofins[13] has abandoned %actor.hisher% search for truth and is now looking for a good fantasy. set poofouts[13] points behind you with a look of horror. While you turn away %actor.heshe% disappears chuckling 'made you look'. set poofins[14] walks into the room fashionably early. set poofouts[14] doesn't like saying goodbye, so %actor.heshe% didn't. set poofins[15] pushes a police telephone box from 1963 into the room, making whooshing sounds. set poofouts[15] pushes a fake T.A.R.D.I.S. out of the room, making whooshing sounds. set poofins[16] can resist everything but temptation. set poofouts[16] goes to hell in a handbasket. set poofins[17] crawls out of the ground gasping for air. set poofouts[17] morphs into millions of ants, which run off in all directions. set poofins[18] appears with a sonic boom. set poofouts[18] goes super critical and has a meltdown. Nothing remains but a pile of steaming radioactive mush. set poofins[19] meanders in, muttering. set poofouts[19] meanders out, muttering. set poofins[20] hanglides into the room. set poofouts[20] senses that everything is well, so %actor.heshe% floats away. eval poofin %%poofins[%poofnumber%]%% eval poofout %%poofouts[%poofnumber%]%% %force% %actor% set self poofin %poofin% %force% %actor% set self poofout %poofout%

This is an example of variation 11 in action:
POOFIN: Parna parachutes into the room performing a perfect parachute landing fall, except for the facthe landed backside first. first.
POOFOUT: Parna puts on a helmet and climbs into the barrel of an ACME cannon. It explodes sending piecena off into the distancedistance.

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