Name: 'Actor Variables Example', VNum: [ 27], RNum: [ 27]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles
Trigger Type: Random , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
* By Rumble of The Builder Academy 9091
* A listing and demonstration of all actor variables.
* Random triggers do not have actors so we must define one.
set actor %random.char%
* Make sure the actor can be seen and is a player.
if %actor.canbeseen% && %actor.is_pc%
%echo% CHARISMA: %actor.cha%
%echo% CONSTITUTION: %actor.con%
%echo% DEXTERITY: %actor.dex%
%echo% STRENGTH/STRADD: %actor.str%/%actor.stradd%
%echo% WISDOM: %actor.wis%
%echo% ALIAS: %actor.alias%
%echo% ALIGN: %actor.align%
%echo% AFFECT: %actor.affect%
%echo% CANBESEEN: %actor.canbeseen%
%echo% CLASS: %actor.class%
%echo% DRUNK: %actor.drunk%
%echo% EXPERIENCE: %actor.exp%
%echo% FIGHTING: %actor.fighting%
%echo% FOLLOWER: %actor.follower%
%echo% GOLD:
%echo% HAS_ITEM: %actor.has_item(1332)%
%echo% HESHE: %actor.heshe%
%echo% HIMHER: %actor.himher%
%echo% HISHER: %actor.hisher%
%echo% HITPOINTS: %actor.hitp%
%echo% HUNGER: %actor.hunger%
%echo% ID:
%echo% INV: %actor.inventory%
%echo% IS_KILLER: %actor.is_killer%
%echo% IS_PC: %actor.is_pc%
%echo% IS_THIEF: %actor.is_thief%
%echo% LEVEL: %actor.level%
%echo% MANA: %actor.mana%
%echo% MASTER: %actor.master%
%echo% MAX HP: %actor.maxhitp%
%echo% MAX MANA: %actor.maxmana%
%echo% MAX MOVE: %actor.maxmove%
%echo% MOVE: %actor.move%
%echo% NAME:
%echo% NEXT_IN_ROOM: %actor.next_in_room%
%echo% POSITION: %actor.pos%
%echo% PRACTICES: %actor.prac%
%echo% QUESTPOINTS: %actor.questpoints%
%echo% ROOM:
%echo% SAVING_PARA: %actor.saving_para%
%echo% SAVING_ROD: %actor.saving_rod%
%echo% SAVING_PETRI: %actor.saving_petri%
%echo% SAVING_BREATH: %actor.saving_breath%
%echo% SAVING_SPELL: %actor.saving_spell%
%echo% SEX:
%echo% SKILL BACKSTAB: %actor.skill(backstab)%
%echo% THIRST: %actor.thirst%
%echo% TITLE: %actor.title%
%echo% VAREXISTS: %actor.varexists(tba_greeting)%
%echo% VNUM: %actor.vnum%
%echo% WEIGHT: %actor.weight%
* Objects TSTAT 28, Rooms TSTAT 29, Text TSTAT 30, Special TSTAT 31.
* equipment positions: 0-18 or light, rfinger, lfinger, neck1, neck2,
* body, head, legs, feet, hands, arms, shield, about, waist, rwrist,
* lwrist, wield, hold, inv
* This example will check wield 16
if %actor.eq(wield)%
eval wield %actor.eq(wield)%
%echo% WIELDING ID:, NAME:, SHORTDESC: %wield.shortdesc%,
TIMER:: %wield.timer%, TYPE: %wield.type%, VAL0: %wield.val0%, VAL1: %wield.val1%,
VAL2: %wield.val2%, VAL3: %wield.val3%, VNUM: %wield.vnum%,
%echo% CARRIED_BY: %wield.carried_by%, NEXT_IN_LIST: %wield.next_in_list%,
WORN_BY: %wield.worn_by%, WEIGHT: %wield.weight%, COST: %wield.cost%,
COST_PER_DAY: %wield.cost_per_day%
for TBA.