A simple gateguard bribe. This can be done numerous ways and uses several trigs to close the gate behind the player and if opened from the other side too.
Name: 'Tutorial II Guard Greet - 24', VNum: [ 4], RNum: [ 4]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles
Trigger Type: Greet , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
* By Rumble of The Builder Academy builderacademy.net 9091
* A basic guard bribe trigger. Trigs 4, 5, 7, 8.
* This is a N S road so only greet players arriving from the south.
if %direction% == south && %actor.is_pc%
wait 1 sec
emote snaps to attention.
wait 1 sec
say Admittance to the city is 10 coins.
Name: 'Tutorial II Guard Bribe 10 - 24', VNum: [ 5], RNum: [ 5]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles
Trigger Type: Bribe , Numeric Arg: 1, Arg list: None
* By Rumble of The Builder Academy builderacademy.net 9091
* A basic guard bribe trigger. Trigs 4, 5, 7, 8.
* This is a comment. Always use amplifying comments to explain your Triggers!
* If actor gives 10 coins or more.
if %amount% >= 10
* If more than 10 give them change.
if %amount% > 10
eval change %amount% - 10
give %change% coin %actor.name%
* Otherwise they must have given exactly 10 coins, open the gate.
say thank you.
wait 1 sec
unlock gateway
wait 1 sec
open gateway
wait 10 sec
close gateway
wait 1 sec
lock gateway
* Else they gave too few! be nice and refund them.
say only %amount% coins, I require 10.
give %amount% coin %actor.name%
Name: 'Tutorial II Guard Closes Gate - 24', VNum: [ 7], RNum: [ 7]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles
Trigger Type: Act , Numeric Arg: 0, Arg list: The gate is opened from
* By Rumble of The Builder Academy builderacademy.net 9091
* A basic guard bribe trigger. Trigs 4, 5, 7, 8.
* This is required to close the gate after someone opens it from the other
* side.
wait 5 sec
close gate
wait 1 sec
lock gate
Name: 'Tutorial II Guard Closes Gate 2 - 24', VNum: [ 8], RNum: [ 8]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles
Trigger Type: Act , Numeric Arg: 0, Arg list: leaves north.
* By Rumble of The Builder Academy builderacademy.net 9091
* A basic guard bribe trigger. Trigs 4, 5, 7, 8.
* This is required to close the gate after the guard is bribed and someone
* leaves to the north.
wait 5 sec
close gate
wait 1 sec
lock gate
for TBA.