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Question Trigger of the Day - Receive Quest

05 Nov 2013 18:45 #4462 by Rumble
This quest is part of the trigedit tutorial hallway and is a good first quest for builders new to trigedit.
Name: 'Mob Tutorial Example Quest Offer - M14', VNum: [ 1], RNum: [ 1] Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles Trigger Type: Greet , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None Commands: * By Rumble of The Builder Academy builderacademy.net 9091 * A very basic 3 trigger receive quest. Trigs 1-3. * Make sure the actor is a player first. if %actor.is_pc% * only greet players coming from the south. if %direction% == south * wait 1 second, always give the player time before you start sending text. wait 1 sec say Can you help me, %actor.name%? wait 1 sec say An ogre has something of mine. wait 1 sec say If you slay him I'll give you all the coins I can spare. wait 1 sec say Please, bring me the wings he has stolen. end end
Name: 'Mob Tutorial Example Kill Ogre - 16', VNum: [ 2], RNum: [ 2] Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles Trigger Type: Death , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None Commands: * By Rumble of The Builder Academy builderacademy.net 9091 * A very basic 3 trigger receive quest. Trigs 1-3. say you got the best of me %actor.name%. But I'll be back. * Load the wings to be returned to the questmaster. %load% obj 1 * Reload the mob for the next questor. %load% mob 16
Name: 'Mob Tutorial Example Completion - 14', VNum: [ 3], RNum: [ 3] Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles Trigger Type: Receive , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None Commands: * By Rumble of The Builder Academy builderacademy.net 9091 * A very basic 3 trigger receive quest. Trigs 1-3. * Check if this was indeed the right object. if %object.vnum% == 1 wait 1 sec say Thank you, %actor.name% %send% %actor% %self.name% gives you a gold piece. %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% is rewarded for his valor. * Reward the actor with an entire gold coin! nop %actor.gold(1)% wait 5 sec %purge% obj 1 else * This isn't the right object - don't accept it. say I don't want that - bring me back my wings. return 0 end
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01 Jun 2014 22:52 #4915 by Parnassus
This line from trigger 3 was pointed out to me today.
%echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% is rewarded for his valor.

I've never noticed this because I don't see it when I do the quest. However, apparently, I've been (temporarily) turned male by this trigger. There's a very nice fix to this.

%echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% is rewarded for %hisher% valor.

Now I can stay my usual feminine self! (Yeah, I also hate being called sir in real life.)

Also, while we're at it, how about we fix the grammar in trigger 2:
say you got the best of me %actor.name%. But I'll be back.
say You got the best of me, %actor.name%. But I'll be back.

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21 Sep 2021 03:17 #9921 by Fizban
Hilariously late response, but just happened to have this thread open and read it now.

It's actually %actor.hisher%, not %hisher%.

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22 Sep 2021 17:41 #9926 by Parnassus
Darn! This is the kind of thing that makes me run triggers over and over while I try to find out why they aren't working the way I want them.

Thanks for the fix, Fizban :)

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