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Question Trigger of the Day: fishing trigger

04 Jul 2013 03:35 #3315 by mojo
Hi, I found this old thing:

and decided to use it as inspiration for this set of triggers.

this works for the most part.

Trigger: 5312
Intended Assignment: Objects
Trigger Type: Command
Num Arg 2
Arg List: castout reelin
if %cmd%==castout && %actor.varexists(fishing)% %send% %actor% You're already fishing! return 1 halt end if %cmd%==castout if !(%self.is_inroom.vnum%==5351) %send% %actor% This is not a good place to fish. return 1 halt end eval fail %random.10% if %fail% <= 3 %send% %actor% You pull your arm back and try to cast out your line, but it gets all tangled up. %echoaround% %actor% You pulls %actor.hisher% arm back trying to cast %self.shortdesc%, but ends up tangling it. return 1 halt end if %fail% >= 4 %send% %actor% You cast your line out into the water hoping for a bite. %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% casts out %actor.hisher% line into the water, hoping to catch something. set fishing 1 remote fishing %actor.id% attach 5313 %self.is_inroom.id% attach 5314 %self.is_inroom.id% return 1 halt end halt end if %cmd%==reelin && !%actor.varexists(fishing)% %send% %actor% You're not even fishing! return 1 halt end if %cmd%==reelin && !%actor.varexists(hooked)% %send% %actor% You reel in your line, and discover that there is nothing on the end of the line. %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% reels in %actor.hisher% line and finds nothing. rdelete fishing %actor.id% detach 5313 %self.is_inroom.id% return 1 halt end if %cmd%==reelin && %actor.varexists(hooked)% eval fail %random.10% if %fail% <= 3 %send% %actor% You reel in your line, putting up a good fight, but the line breaks! %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% reels in %actor.hisher% line but the line breaks and %actor.heshe% loses the catch. rdelete fishing %actor.id% rdelete hooked %actor.id% detach 5313 %self.is_inroom.id% return 1 halt end if %fail% >= 4 switch %random.3% case 1 %load% o 5317 %actor% break case 2 %load% o 5318 %actor% break case 3 %load% o 5319 %actor% break case default %load% o 5317 %actor% break done %send% %actor% Nice catch! You reel in %lastloaded.shortdesc%! %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% reels in %lastloaded.shortdesc%! rdelete fishing %actor.id% rdelete hooked %actor.id% detach 5313 %self.is_inroom.id% return 1 halt end detach 5313 %self.is_inroom.id% return 1

Trigger: 5313
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Random, Num Arg: 100 Arglist: None

eval folks %self.people% while %folks% if (%folks.varexists(fishing)%) eval foundafisherman 1 %echo% %folks.name% is fishing.... eval bite %random.5% switch %bite% case 1 %send% %folks% Time goes by, not even a nibble set hooked 0 remote hooked %folks.id% rdelete hooked %folks.id% break case 2 %send% %folks% You feel a slight jiggle on your line. set hooked 0 remote hooked %folks.id% rdelete hooked %folks.id% break case 3 %send% %folks% You feel a solid pull on your line! %echoaround% %folks% The bobber at the end of %folks.name%'s line goes underwater! set hooked 1 remote hooked %folks.id% break case 4 %send% %folks% You take some of the slack out of your line %echoaround% %folks% %folks.name% pulls some of the slack out of his fishing line. set hooked 0 remote hooked %folks.id% rdelete hooked %folks.id% break case 5 %send% %folks% Still fishin' havent caught a thing! set hooked 0 remote hooked %folks.id% rdelete hooked %folks.id% break case default halt break done end eval folks %folks.next_in_room% done if !%foundafisherman% %echo% Couldnt find any fishermen, going to detach the trigger from the room. detach room all end

Trigger 5314
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Leave, Num Arg: 100, Arg list: None
if (%actor.varexists(fishing)%) rdelete fishing %actor.id% %send% %actor% You pack your fishing gear away. end if (%actor.varexists(hooked)%) rdelete hooked %actor.id% %send% %actor% You let the big one get away. end

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15 Aug 2013 21:11 #4048 by Rumble
Thanks for posting. Delayed post since Mojo had to have posts approved. The spam fight continues.

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