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Question Trigger of the Day - Tag

19 May 2013 23:59 #2434 by Rumble
Name: 'Bat Tag', VNum: [ 1275], RNum: [ 336] Trigger Intended Assignment: Objects Trigger Type: Command , Numeric Arg: 2, Arg list: tag Commands: * By Laoris * A game of tag, played in a zone if %arg% == self || %arg.name% == %actor.name% %send% %actor% Now that seems a little pointless, doesn't it? elseif %actor.room% != %arg.room% %send% %actor% Tag who? They don't seem to be here! elseif %arg.is_pc% == 0 %send% %actor% You can only tag players! elseif %arg.level% > 30 %send% %actor% You cannot tag immortals! else makeuid targ %arg.id% %teleport% %targ% 1 %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% tags %targ.name% with %self.shortdesc%! %teleport% %targ% %actor.room.vnum% %send% %actor% You tag %targ.name% with a whack of your %self.shortdesc.cdr%! %send% %arg% Tag! %actor.name% tags you with a whack of %actor.hisher% %self.shortdesc.cdr%! %zoneecho% %actor.room.vnum% [ %actor.name% has tagged %targ.name%! %targ.name% is it! ] %load% obj %self.vnum% %targ% inv %purge% self endif
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