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Question Trigger of the Day - Keypad

21 Jun 2012 19:44 - 25 Jun 2012 09:51 #157 by Rumble
By Zizazat
A 4-digit keypad-password protected security door

I have created a nice script that allows you to have a security door with a 4-digit keycode. The keycode is randomly generated for each player, so one person's keycode won't work for another player. The player must 'find' a piece of paper on which their own keycode is 'printed'.

First, the script to randomly generate a unique keycode for the player. This is a room entry trigger, but could be placed wherever you want the the number to be generated:
Name: 'Generate random keycode for player', VNum: [39606], RNum: [ 774] Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms Trigger Type: Enter , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None Commands: * Generate a keycode on entry to this room if %actor.is_mortal%==1 if %actor.varexists(keycode_396)% * Has keycode been removed from player? if %actor.keycode_396%<1000 eval keycode_396 %random.8999%+1000 remote keycode_396 %actor.id% end else eval keycode_396 %random.8999%+1000 remote keycode_396 %actor.id% end end
Secondly, the piece of paper, which has this 'examine' command trig attached to it:
Name: 'Show code on scrap of paper', VNum: [39610], RNum: [ 778] Trigger Intended Assignment: Objects Trigger Type: Command , Numeric Arg: 2, Arg list: exa Commands: if %arg%/=paper if %actor.varexists(keycode_396)% %send% %actor% The scrap of paper has a 4-digit number written on it. %send% %actor% The number is %actor.keycode_396% else %send% %actor% The scrap of paper is blank. end return 1 else return 0 end
Thirdly, we need a trigger which resets the door as 'locked' (not physically, that is done in zedit, this just resets the variable). This should be attached to the room that the keypad/door is in.
Name: 'Reset keypad - room 39609', VNum: [39611], RNum: [ 779] Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms Trigger Type: Global Zone Reset , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None Commands: * Reset the keypad door as 'locked' on zone reset if %dr_ul_39609%==1 set dr_ul_39609 0 global dr_ul_39609 end
And finally, this is the (huge) script to handle the keypad itself. Again, it needs to be in the room that the keypad is in.
Name: 'Security Keypad - Room 39609', VNum: [39607], RNum: [ 775] Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms Trigger Type: Command , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: type Commands: * Unique code is generated for each player in room 39602 * First, Imms are immune if %actor.is_imm% %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% types a number into the keypad. if %dr_ul_39609%==1 %send% %actor% Nothing happens - the door is already unlocked! else %send% %actor% You enter your secret over-ride code, and unlock the door. %echo% The keypad beeps, and you hear a click from the door. %door% 39609 e flags abd %door% 39608 w flags abd end else * Not an Imm, so we need to check their keycode if %actor.varexists(keycode_396)% if %actor.keycode_396%>=1000 if %arg%==%actor.keycode_396% if %dr_ul_39609%==1 * Door is already unlocked! %send% %actor% You type %actor.keycode_396% into the keypad. %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% types a number into the keypad. %echo% The keypad beeps, but nothing else happens. else * Door was locked, but correct number entered %send% %actor% You type %actor.keycode_396% into the keypad. %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% types a number into the keypad. %echo% The keypad beeps, and you hear a click from the door. %at% 39608 %echo% You hear a click from the west. %door% 39609 e flags abd %door% 39608 w flags abd set dr_ul_39609 1 global dr_ul_39609 end * Reset wrong guesses counter if %actor.varexists(wrong_39609)% rdelete wrong_39609 %actor.id% end else %send% %actor% You type %arg% into the keypad. %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% types a number into the keypad. if %actor.varexists(wrong_39609)% eval wrong_39609 %actor.wrong_39609%+1 remote wrong_39609 %actor.id% if %actor.wrong_39609%>3 * Too many wrong guesses - zap 'em! %send% %actor% A powerful jolt of electrical power envelopes you. %echoaround% %actor% A powerful jolt of electrical power envelopes %actor.name%. set hp %actor.hitp% if %hp%>1000 set hp 1000 end eval dam (%hp%/5)+%random.10% %damage% %actor% %dam% end else set wrong_39609 1 remote wrong_39609 %actor.id% %echo% Nothing happens. end end else * Has completed the zone, and not yet received a new number %send% %actor% You type random numbers into the keypad. %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% types a number into the keypad. %echo% Nothing happens. if %actor.varexists(wrong_39609)% eval wrong_39609 %actor.wrong_39609%+1 remote wrong_39609 %actor.id% if %actor.wrong_39609%>3 * Too many wrong guesses - zap 'em! %send% %actor% A powerful jolt of electrical power envelopes you. %echoaround% %actor% A powerful jolt of electrical power envelopes %actor.name%. set hp %actor.hitp% if %hp%>1000 set hp 1000 end eval dam (%hp%/5)+%random.10% %damage% %actor% %dam% end else set wrong_39609 1 remote wrong_39609 %actor.id% %echo% Nothing happens. end end else * Has no keycode, so can't know a valid unlocking number %send% %actor% You type random numbers into the keypad. %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% types a number into the keypad. %echo% Nothing happens. if %actor.varexists(wrong_39609)% eval wrong_39609 %actor.wrong_39609%+1 remote wrong_39609 %actor.id% if %actor.wrong_39609%>3 * Too many wrong guesses - zap 'em! %send% %actor% A powerful jolt of electrical power envelopes you. %echoaround% %actor% A powerful jolt of electrical power envelopes %actor.name%. set hp %actor.hitp% if %hp%>1000 set hp 1000 end eval dam (%hp%/5)+%random.10% %damage% %actor% %dam% end else set wrong_39609 1 remote wrong_39609 %actor.id% %echo% Nothing happens. end end end
That's it - you don't even need to make a keypad object - I just added this as an extra description in the room:
1) Keywords: keypad numeric numbers 2) Description: ___ ___ ___ | 1 || 2 || 3 | === === === | 4 || 5 || 6 | === === === | 7 || 8 || 9 | === === === |Can|| 0 ||Ent| --- --- --- The keypad is a basic numerical type, with the numbers 0-9 and a Cancel and Enter button. The buttons are faded through use, but no buttons are more faded than others, suggesting that the combination is changed regularly.
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Last edit: 25 Jun 2012 09:51 by Rumble.

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