* By Cati
1) Name : Hi-Low game of dice
2) Intended for : Rooms
3) Trigger types: Command
4) Numeric Arg : 100
5) Arguments : *
6) Commands:
if %actor.is_pc%
*check that they are typing 'roll dice' so as to not interfere with the social.
if %cmd% == roll && %arg% == dice
%echo% rolls the dice.
wait 2
*roll the first dice
eval num1 %random.10%
*roll the second dice
eval num2 %random.10%
*add the total of the two dice together (this is better than rolling a 20 sided
*die and adding 1 to the roll if they rolled a 1 because it then has the proper
*probability of each outcome
eval combined %num1% + %num2%
*show them the outcome of their first die
%send% %actor% The first die lands on a %num1%
wait 2s;*show them the outcome of their second dice
%send% %actor% The second die lands on a %num2%
%send% %actor% For a total of: %combined%
*show the room what they rolled
%echoaround% %actor% rolled a %combined%.
*check if they rolled two ones
if %combined% == 2
*send them s special message if they did.
%send% %actor% SNAKE-EYES! You lose!
elseif %combined% == 10
%send% %actor% 50-50 shot at winning - or losing.
elseif %combined% == 20
%send% %actor% A natural 20. You've got this round all sewn up.
elseif %cmd% == emote && %arg% /= rolled
%force% %actor% say I tried cheating using emote, and I should be disqualified!
*send the command to the mud if they type: 'roll' but not 'roll dice'
*so as to not interfere with the social or any other scripts on nearby objects/mobs/rooms
return 0
for TBA.