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Question Forge too OP how to balance?

26 Sep 2022 19:37 #10166 by Nero
I put in forge but it seems to be upping the damage by way too much on our weapons.
I would like to dial it down some but unsure of the best way how.
I would like to cap it to where it may only up the overall damage by +3
right now it just ups the first die of the weapon
so theoretically players could take a 1d37 weapon and even upping it by +1 would make it way too much
ACMD(do_forge) {     /* PLEASE NOTE!!!  This command alters the object_values of the target        weapon, and this will save to the rent files.            Mortals can only forge a weapon once so it uses GET_OBJ_FORGED            from one of the enchant slots in Utils.H to put a check on this.            Weapons can only be forged once.     */          struct obj_data *weapon = NULL;     struct obj_data *obj, *next_obj;     char weapon_name[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];         char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];     int found = FALSE, prob = 0, dam = 0;     one_argument(argument, weapon_name);     /*if ((GET_CLASS(ch) == CLASS_WARLOCK || GET_CLASS(ch) == CLASS_NECROMANCER) &&         GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_IMMORT) {                 send_to_char(ch, "You have no idea how to forge weapons!\r\n");                 return;         }*/         if (!can_see_room(ch, IN_ROOM(ch))) {                 send_to_char(ch, "It's too dark for you to forge!\r\n");                 return;         }         /* No forging while fighting */         if (IS_FIGHTING(ch)) {                 send_to_char(ch, "You are too busy fighting to forge right now!\r\n");                 return;         }     if (!*weapon_name) {         send_to_char(ch, "What do you wish to forge?\r\n");         return;     }     for (obj = ch->carrying; obj; obj = next_obj) {         next_obj = obj->next_content;         if (obj == NULL)             return;         else if (!(weapon = get_obj_in_list_vis(ch->carrying, ch, weapon_name)))             continue;         else             found = TRUE;     }          if (found == FALSE) {         sprintf(buf, "You don't have %s in your inventory!\r\n", weapon_name);         send_to_char(ch, buf);         return;     }     if (found && (GET_OBJ_TYPE(weapon) != ITEM_WEAPON)) {         sprintf(buf, "It doesn't look like %s would make a good weapon...\r\n", weapon_name);         send_to_char(ch, buf);         return;     }     if (GET_OBJ_FORGED(weapon) == 1) {         send_to_char(ch, "You cannot forge a weapon more than once!\r\n");         return;     }     if (GET_OBJ_EXTRA(weapon) == ITEM_MAGIC) {         send_to_char(ch, "The weapon is imbued with magical powers beyond your grasp.\r\nYou cannot further affect its form.\r\n");         return;     }         /* determine success probability */     prob += (GET_LEVEL(ch) << 1) + ((GET_TOT_DEX(ch) - 11) << 1);     prob += ((GET_TOT_STR(ch) - 11) << 1) + (100 >> 3);     if ((rand_number(10, 100) > prob) && (GET_LEVEL(ch) < LVL_IMMORT)) {         send_to_char(ch, "As you pound out the dents in the weapon, you hit a weak spot and it explodes!\r\n");         act("$n tries to forge a weapon, but it explodes!", FALSE, ch, 0,0, TO_ROOM);         extract_obj(weapon);         dam = rand_number(20, 60);         GET_HIT(ch) -= dam;         update_pos(ch);         return;     }     GET_OBJ_FORGED(weapon) += 1; //Prevents mortals from forging the same weapon more than once     GET_OBJ_VAL(weapon, 1) += (GET_LEVEL(ch) % 3) + rand_number(-1, 2); //Random Ave Dam upgrade or downgrade     GET_OBJ_RENT(weapon) += (GET_LEVEL(ch) << 3); //Adjusts Rent cost        /*Forge will cost a lot of resources*/         if (GET_WOOD(ch) > 0 && GET_STONE(ch) > 0) {                 GET_WOOD(ch) -= 500;                 GET_STONE(ch) -= 500;                 send_to_char(ch, "You have forged new life into the weapon!\r\n");                 act("$n vigorously pounds on a weapon!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);         }         else {                send_to_char(ch, "You don't have enough resources to forge!\r\n");                 return;         } }

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26 Sep 2022 21:03 #10167 by thomas
Replied by thomas on topic Forge too OP how to balance?
First off, I suggest you move the resource check higher:
one_argument(argument, weapon_name); +if (GET_WOOD(ch) < 500 || GET_STONE(ch) < 500) { + send_to_char(ch, "You don't have enough resources to forge!\r\n"); + return; +}
Next, about the forging. If you want to alter the damage by a max, add an affect instead of altering value 1. For instance by adding an affect to the object. Note, this is browser code, so you may need to tweak it a bit.
int i; ... for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECT_AFFECT; i++) { if (!weapon->affected[i].location || weapon->affected[i].location == APPLY_DAMROLL) break; } if (i == MAX_OBJECT_AFFECT) { // all slots filled. Must be an awesome weapon already... send_to_char(ch, "This weapon cannot be forged any more!\r\n"); return; } weapon->affected[i].location = APPLY_DAMROLL; weapon->affected[i].modifier += rand_number(2, GET_LEVEL(ch) / 10 + 2);
This adds between 2 and 5 damage to a weapon for a level 30, and just two for a level 9.

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26 Sep 2022 22:07 #10169 by Nero
Replied by Nero on topic Forge too OP how to balance?
Thank you and I am just defining MAX_OBJECT_AFFECT in structs.h? And do I give it a value of 5 to make it the max or is there something else I need to add for it to work?

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27 Sep 2022 00:48 #10170 by Nero
Replied by Nero on topic Forge too OP how to balance?
I got it working the way I want thanks!
I still added the 1 to the objval to only allow a weapon to be forged once
but it also looks at the max_affects which I have set to 10 (the allowable slots we have to add stats on a weapon)
that way if the weapon already has the max affects it cannot be forged to prevent it overriding a stat already there, or some other screw up.
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECT_AFFECT; i++) {         if (!weapon->affected[i].location || weapon->affected[i].location == APPLY_DAMROLL)         break;         }         if (i == MAX_OBJECT_AFFECT){         // all slots filled. Must be an awesome weapon already...         send_to_char(ch, "This weapon cannot be upgraded any more!\r\n");         return;        }        GET_OBJ_FORGED(weapon) += 1; //Prevents from forging the same weapon more than once        GET_OBJ_RENT(weapon) += (GET_LEVEL(ch) << 3); //Adjusts Rent cost        weapon->affected[i].location = APPLY_DAMROLL;        weapon->affected[i].modifier += rand_number(1, 3);        /*Forge will cost a lot of resources*/         if (GET_WOOD(ch) > 0 && GET_STONE(ch) > 0) {                 GET_WOOD(ch) -= 500;                 GET_STONE(ch) -= 500;                 send_to_char(ch, "You have forged new life into the weapon!\r\n");                 act("$n vigorously pounds on a weapon!", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);         }

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27 Sep 2022 06:06 #10172 by thomas
Replied by thomas on topic Forge too OP how to balance?
What happens if you have 200 wood and 200 stone?

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27 Sep 2022 06:40 - 27 Sep 2022 06:41 #10173 by Nero
Replied by Nero on topic Forge too OP how to balance?
I added the check to the top:

if (GET_WOOD(ch) < 500 || GET_STONE(ch) < 500) {
send_to_char(ch, "You don't have enough resources to forge!\r\n");

So I suppose with that being said, I can remove the check at the bottom
Last edit: 27 Sep 2022 06:41 by Nero.

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