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Question Clan Integration issues with save clan and load clan

12 Jun 2022 01:09 #10084 by Nero

I am trying to integrate Clans into the game. I have it working for the most part but there seems to be an issue where if the game crashes/boots it is not reading the clan file properly. I believe its how the load_clan and save_clan functions are and how its not actually creating new lines in the file like it should. But I am not really sure how to correct it. I hope this is the reason anyway.
 /* Loads the clans from the text file */  void load_clans(void)  {    FILE   *fl;    int    clannum = 0, line_num = 0, i = 0, tmp, curmem = 0;    char   name[80];    char   *ptr;    struct clan_type *cptr = NULL;    bool   newc = FALSE;    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];    if ((fl = fopen(CLAN_FILE, "rt")) == NULL) {      fprintf(stderr, "SYSERR: Unable to open clan file!");      exit(0);    }    line_num += get_line(fl, buf);    if (sscanf(buf, "%d", clannum) != 1) {      fprintf(stderr, "Format error in clan, line %d (number of clans)\n", line_num);      exit(0);    }    /* Setup the global total number of clans */    cnum = clannum;        /* process each clan in order */    for (clannum = 0; clannum < cnum; clannum++) {      /* Get the info for the individual clans */      line_num += get_line(fl, buf);      if (sscanf(buf, "#%d", &tmp) != 1) {        fprintf(stderr, "Format error in clan (No Unique GID), line %d\n", line_num);        exit(0);      }      /* create some clan shaped memory space */      if ((cptr = enqueue_clan()) != NULL) {        cptr->number = tmp;        /* setup the global number of next new clan number */        if (!newc) {          if (cptr->number != clannum) {            newclan = clannum;            newc = TRUE;          }        }        if (newc) {          if (newclan == cptr->number) {            newclan = cnum;            newc = FALSE;          }        } else          newclan = cptr->number + 1;          /* allocate space for applicants */        for (i=0; i< 20; i++)          cptr->applicants[i] = NULL;        for (i=0; i< 100; i++)          cptr->members[i] = NULL;             /* Now get the name of the clan */        line_num += get_line(fl, buf);        if ((ptr = strchr(buf, '~')) != NULL) /* take off the '~' if it's there */          *ptr = '\0';        cptr->name = strdup(buf);        /* Now get the look member string */        line_num += get_line(fl, buf);        if ((ptr = strchr(buf, '~')) != NULL) /* take off the '~' if it's there */          *ptr = '\0';        cptr->member_look_str = strdup(buf);        /* Now get entrance room and direction and guard */        line_num += get_line(fl, buf);        if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp) != 1) {          fprintf(stderr, "Format error in clan, line %d (entrance room)\n", line_num);          exit(0);        }        cptr->clan_entr_room = tmp;        /* Skip this line it's just a header */        line_num += get_line(fl, buf); // password header        line_num += get_line(fl, buf);        if ((ptr = strchr(buf, '~')) != NULL) /* take off the '~' if it's there */          *ptr = '\0';        cptr->clan_password = strdup(buf);        line_num += get_line(fl, buf); // gold header                line_num += get_line(fl, buf);        if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &(cptr->gold)) != 1)        {          fprintf(stderr, "Format error in clan (No Gold), line %d\n", line_num);          exit(0);        }                          line_num += get_line(fl, buf); //leader header        /* Loop to get Members' Names */        for (;;)        {          line_num += get_line(fl, buf);          if (*buf == ';')            break;          sscanf(buf, "%s %d", name, &tmp);          if (tmp == CLAN_LEADER)            cptr->leadersname = strdup(name);        }        //line_num += get_line(fl, buf); // member Header        /* Loop to get Members' Names */        for (;;)        {          line_num += get_line(fl, buf);          if (*buf == ';')            break;          else if ((ptr = strchr(buf, '~')) != NULL)            *ptr = '\0';          cptr->members[curmem++] = strdup(buf);           }        curmem = 0;        // header caught by break statement        /* Okay we have the leader's name ... now for the applicants */        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {          line_num += get_line(fl, buf);          /* We're done when we hit the $ character */          if (*buf == '$')            break;          else if ((ptr = strchr(buf, '~')) != NULL) /* take off the '~' if it's there */            *ptr = '\0';          cptr->applicants[i] = strdup(buf);        }      } else break;      /* process the next clan */    }    /* done processing clans -- close the file */    fclose(fl);  }  void save_clans(void)  {    FILE   *cfile;    int    clannum = 0, i;    struct clan_type *cptr = clan_info;    if (cptr == NULL) {      fprintf(stderr, "SYSERR: No clans to save!!\n");      return;    }    if ((cfile = fopen(CLAN_FILE, "wt")) == NULL) {      fprintf(stderr, "SYSERR: Cannot save clans!\n");      exit(0);    }    order_clans();    /* The total number of clans */    fprintf(cfile, "%d\r\n", cnum);    /* Save each clan */    while (clannum < cnum && cptr != NULL) {      fprintf(cfile,  "#%d\r\n"              "%s~\r\n"          "%s~\r\n"          "%d\r\n"          "; Password\r\n"          "%s~\r\n"          "; Gold\r\n"          "%d\r\n"          "; Leader\r\n"          "%s %d\r\n",          cptr->number,   cptr->name,          cptr->member_look_str,          cptr->clan_entr_room,          cptr->clan_password,          cptr->gold,          cptr->leadersname, CLAN_LEADER);     fprintf(cfile, "; Members (Max of 100)\r\n");      if (cptr->members[0] != NULL)      {        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {          if (cptr->members[i] == NULL)            break;          else            fprintf(cfile, "%s~\r\n", cptr->members[i]);        }      }      fprintf(cfile, "; Applicants (Max of 20)\r\n");      if (cptr->applicants[0] != NULL) {        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {          if (cptr->applicants[i] == NULL)            break;          else            fprintf(cfile, "%s~\r\n", cptr->applicants[i]);        }      }      fprintf(cfile, "$\r\n");      /* process the next clan */      cptr = cptr->next;      clannum++;    }    /* done processing clans */    fclose(cfile);  }

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12 Jun 2022 16:06 #10085 by thomas
I think if you open this file in notepad, atom or vscode instead of word (or wordpad or whatever this is), you'll see the correct newlines in it.

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12 Jun 2022 22:29 - 12 Jun 2022 22:30 #10086 by Nero
Okay thank you. I am not sure why I am still having an issue with getting the clans to load up after crash. If the game crashes and I load back in, all the clans are still in the save file but if I do cedit, option L it acts like it isn't as it seems to be starting back at clan 0 which causes the game to crash and deletes/overwrites what was already in the file.

I am sure that most of the odd behavior stems from the fact that I am trying to integrate github.com/ryantm/deimos-mud/blob/master/src/cedit.c into TBA mud's version of cedit.c

*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cedit_clan_menu(struct descriptor_data * d)  {      if (!OLC_CLAN(d))      cedit_clan_new(d);    get_char_colors(d->character);    write_to_output(d,      "-- Clan number : [%s%d%s]\r\n"      "%s1%s) Name        : %s%s\r\n"      "%s2%s) Leader      : %s%s\r\n"      "%s4%s) Clan Abbrev : %s%s\r\n"      "%sP%s) Purge this Clan\r\n"      "%sQ%s) Exit To The Main Menu\r\n"      "Enter choice : ",            cyn, OLC_CLAN(d)->number, nrm,      grn, nrm, yel, OLC_CLAN(d)->name,      grn, nrm, yel, OLC_CLAN(d)->leadersname,      grn, nrm, yel, OLC_CLAN(d)->member_look_str ?      OLC_CLAN(d)->member_look_str : OLC_CLAN(d)->name,      grn, nrm,      grn, nrm      );    OLC_MODE(d) = CEDIT_CLAN_MENU;  }   void cedit_free_clan(struct clan_type *cptr)  {    dequeue_clan(cptr->number);  }  //confirm clan save   case CEDIT_CONFIRM_SAVE:     switch (*arg) {      case 'y':     case 'Y':      if (OLC_VAL(d)) {        save_clans();       // sprintf(buf, "OLC: %s edits clan %d", GET_NAME(d->character), OLC_CLAN(d)->number);         mudlog(CMP, MAX(LVL_BUILDER, GET_INVIS_LEV(d->character)), TRUE,                  "OLC: %s edits clans", GET_NAME(d->character));        write_to_output(d,"Clan saved to disk.\r\n");        cleanup_olc(d, CLEANUP_CONFIG);         } else            cleanup_olc(d, CLEANUP_CONFIG);        return;      case 'n':      case 'N':        /* free everything up, including strings etc */        cleanup_olc(d, CLEANUP_CONFIG);        return;    default:       write_to_output(d, "\r\nThat is an invalid choice!\r\n");      write_to_output(d, "Do you wish to save the configuration? (y/n) : ");       return;     } case CEDIT_CLAN_MENU:        switch (*arg) {        case '1':          write_to_output(d,"Enter clan name:-\r\n| ");          OLC_MODE(d) = CEDIT_NAME;          break;        case '2':          write_to_output(d,"Enter clan leader's name: ");          OLC_MODE(d) = CEDIT_LEADERSNAME;          break;        case '4':          write_to_output(d,"Enter clan member who string:-\r\n| ");          OLC_MODE(d) = CEDIT_MBR_LOOK_STR;          break;        case 'p':        case 'P':          if (GET_LEVEL(d->character) >= LVL_IMPL) {            newclan = OLC_CLAN(d)->number;  /* next new clan will get this one's number  */            /* free everything up, including strings etc */            cleanup_olc(d, CLEANUP_ALL);            cnum--;            write_to_output(d,"Clan purged.\r\n");          } else {            write_to_output(d,"Sorry you are not allowed to do that at this time.\r\n");            cedit_clan_menu(d);            }          return;         case 'q':        case 'Q':            /*. Something has been modified .*/           write_to_output(d, "Do you wish to save the clan configuration? (y/n) : ");           OLC_MODE(d) = CEDIT_CONFIRM_SAVE;          return;         default:          write_to_output(d,"Invalid choice!");          cedit_clan_menu(d);          break;        }        return;      case CEDIT_NAME:          if (OLC_CLAN(d)->name)            free(OLC_CLAN(d)->name);          OLC_CLAN(d)->name = strdup(arg);          cedit_clan_menu(d);          break;        case CEDIT_LEADERSNAME:          if (OLC_CLAN(d)->leadersname)            free(OLC_CLAN(d)->leadersname);          OLC_CLAN(d)->leadersname = strdup(arg);          cedit_clan_menu(d);          break;        case CEDIT_MBR_LOOK_STR:          if (OLC_CLAN(d)->member_look_str)            free(OLC_CLAN(d)->member_look_str);          OLC_CLAN(d)->member_look_str = strdup(arg);          cedit_clan_menu(d);          break;  default:       /*        * We should never get here, but just in case...        */       cleanup_olc(d, CLEANUP_CONFIG);       mudlog(BRF, LVL_BUILDER, TRUE, "SYSERR: OLC: cedit_parse(): Reached default case!");       write_to_output(d, "Oops...\r\n");       break;   }   OLC_VAL(d) = 1; } /*  * End of parse_cedit()    */ void reassign_rooms(void) {   void assign_rooms(void);   int i;   /* remove old funcs */   for (i = 0; i < top_of_world; i++)     world[i].func = NULL;            /* reassign spec_procs */   assign_rooms(); }     //Create a new clan with some default strings.    void cedit_clan_new(struct descriptor_data *d)  {    int i;    if ((OLC_CLAN(d) = enqueue_clan()) != NULL) {      OLC_CLAN(d)->name = strdup("Unfinished Clan");      OLC_CLAN(d)->number = newclan;      OLC_CLAN(d)->leadersname = strdup("NoOne");      OLC_CLAN(d)->member_look_str = NULL;      OLC_CLAN(d)->clan_entr_room = 1;      OLC_CLAN(d)->clan_password = strdup("none");      OLC_CLAN(d)->gold = 0;      for (i=0; i<20; i++)        OLC_CLAN(d)->applicants[i] = NULL;    } else      fprintf(stderr, "SYSERR: Unable to create new clan!\r\n");    cnum++;    if (newclan == cnum)      newclan++;    else      newclan = cnum;    cedit_clan_menu(d);    OLC_VAL(d) = 0;  } void cedit_string_cleanup(struct descriptor_data *d, int terminator) {   switch (OLC_MODE(d)) {   case CEDIT_MENU:   case CEDIT_WELC_MESSG:   case CEDIT_START_MESSG:     cedit_disp_operation_options(d);     break;   } }[/i][/i]

Last edit: 12 Jun 2022 22:30 by Nero.

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