My country is used to reading horizontally.
So, when I sort and show the list, I want to show it horizontally first, and then show it down.
The current alignment method is to align it to the bottom left and to the right.
Aadi Babette Banks Cadee Caia
Aafje Baby Banner Cadelaria Calanthe
Aaid Bach Yen Bannister Caden Calbhach
Aalam Bachelor Bansi Cadence Calder
Aali Bachu Banu Cadenza Calderon
Aalilyanna Ballari Banyan Cadewyn Caldwell
Aaliyah Baltenis Bao Cadhla Cale
Aamina Balthazar Baptiste Cadilyn Caleb
Abeni Balwina Baqer Cadmus Caledon
Abercromb Bambi Baqia Cady Caley
Abha Bambina Cabernet Cael Calgary
Abhay Ban Cable Caelan Calhoun
Abhilash Banagher Cabrera Caerwyn Cali
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Abhilasha Bancroft Cabriole Caesar Caliana
Abhinav Bandana Cache Caesarea Calico
Abia Bandele Cachet Cagatay
Abiba Bandit Cactus Cage
Abibola Bane Cad Cagney
Baba Banji Cadak Cahya
Baback Banjo Cade Cai
I am sorting from left to right like the following example,
I want to show it sorted down.
Aadi Aafje Aaid Aalam Aali
Aalilyanna Aaliyah Aamina Abeni Abercrombie
Abha Abhay Abhilash Abhilasha Abhinav
Abia Abiba Abibola Baba Baback
Babette Baby Bach Yen Bachelor Bachu
Ballari Baltenis Balthazar Balwina Bambi
Bambina Ban Banagher Bancroft Bandana
Bandele Bandit Bane Banji Banjo
Banks Banner Bannister Bansi Banu
Banyan Bao Baptiste Baqer Baqia
Cabernet Cable Cabrera Cabriole Cache
Cachet Cactus Cad Cadak Cade
Cadee Cadelaria Caden Cadence Cadenza
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Cadewyn Cadhla Cadilyn Cadmus Cady
Cael Caelan Caerwyn Caesar Caesarea
Cagatay Cage Cagney Cahya Cai
Caia Calanthe Calbhach Calder Calderon
Caldwell Cale Caleb Caledon Caley
Calgary Calhoun Cali Caliana Calico
If modified to
offset = (r*num_per_col)+c;
The output shape is what I want, but it doesn't show all the list, just a few lines.
And, the rest is shown as a blank page.
Aadi Aafje Aaid Aalam Aali
Aalilyanna Aaliyah Aamina Abeni Abercrombie
Abha Abhay Abhilash Abhilasha Abhinav
Abia Abiba Abibola Baba Baback
Babette Baby Bach Yen Bachelor Bachu
Ballari Baltenis Balthazar Balwina Bambi
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The reason for this alignment is that our country is used to reading horizontally first. The current sorting method is to keep hitting enter to see all the missing names.
However, people in our country who are accustomed to reading horizontally can easily find the missing word without having to keep hitting the Enter key to go through the list by showing the list horizontally first and then showing the remaining list down.