Hi Moss!
Also a new member here and yeah, this thing going here looks pretty neat indeed!

I would also like to take the time to say thanks to everybody here and anybody else for their work in maintaining circle and developing TBA! You guys are AWESOME!
But on to your thread:
1- It's kinda hard to tell why your prompt isn't working from just what you described. It appears that the prompt command is working fine but I can't tell if it's (or isn't) setting the flags for the prompt to work out properly or if you disabled the flags from working.
In stock TBA what happens when you "prompt" is that it sets or removes three flags:
H - Sets/removes the PRF_DISPHP flag;
M - Sets/removes the PRF_DISPMANA flag
V - Sets/removes the PRF_DISPMOVE flag
If you "prompt all" it sets all of them, if you prompt "off" it removes them.
If you "prompt auto" it sets/unsets the PRF_DISPAUTO flag.
This is all done in ACMD(do_display) in act.other.c.
THEN when output is sent to the player all those flags are checked and the particular values for each flag are printed to the player. This is done in make_prompt() in comm.c.
You will find in that function all the checks to the flags mentioned (and some others), they all add something to the player's prompt, which is also where an extra '>' is added.
But what do you mean by "completely disable prompt" you want just a blank line added to the end of every output sent to the player or just set it as a fixed and the player won't be able to change it?
2 - The "Attempting to detect stuff" at the beginning is part of Kavir's Protocol Plugin (see protocol.c and protocol.h) that detects what kind of protocols (and other stuff like color or UTF-8 capability) the player's client supports, since the player can login from different clients that info is stored only for the current session in the descriptor's data, it isn't saved to the player file or anything like that.
Then onto changes, what *I* did was reduce the wait time of protocol negotiation, something that someone in the forums said (don't remember who or what post, sorry you!!).
In comm.c search for:
And then right under it you'll see:
You can reduce that time but the person who suggested that also said that if you reduce it too much it can cause some problems (I reduced it to 0.5 and it's working fine).
If you were thinking about removing/editing the messages you have the first message right bellow the line I mentioned before:
write_to_output(newd, "Attempting to Detect Client, Please Wait...\r\n");
The other message, sent after the player enters the game, I think is in interpreter.c.
The same code is called twice, in perform_dupe_check() and in nanny(), for cases when the player is reconnecting and when the player is joining the game, respectively. You can find both instances searching interpreter.c for:
MXPSendTag( d, "<VERSION>" );
Well, hope this helps you, and if I said some bs someone please step in!