Doh! Thought I had that in the bag..
Ok, and you're definitely running the correct circle.exe??
Maybe add some debug output into do_score..
send_to_char(ch, " Class: %s\r\n", pc_class_types[GET_CLASS(ch)]);
send_to_char(ch, " Class Abbrv: %s\r\n", class_abbrevs[GET_CLASS(ch)]);
Then try 'set class channeler/hunter/rogue' and see what you get in do_score for each.
This will prove if pc_class_types and class_abbrevs are correct or not.
Re-save the characters in case the pfile hasn't been updated..
PS: Channeller is an acceptable alternative spelling of Channeler
PPS: have you killed circle.exe completely - like you're definitely connecting to the correct mud?