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Question Trigger of the Day - Christmas present

25 Dec 2013 23:27 #4582 by Rumble
Greet and give the gift,
Name: 'Christmas Greet', VNum: [ 215], RNum: [ 215] Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles Trigger Type: Greet-All , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None Commands: * By Rumble of The Builder Academy tbamud.com 9091 if %actor.is_pc% wait 1 sec if !%actor.has_item(222)% say Merry Christmas! %load% obj 222 %actor% inv %echoaround% %actor% Santa gives %actor.name% a wrapped present. %send% %actor% Santa gives you a wrapped present. end end
Name: 'Login Christmas', VNum: [ 1295], RNum: [ 368] Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms Trigger Type: Login , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None Commands: * By Rumble of The Builder Academy tbamud.com 9091 if !%actor.has_item(222)% wait 1 s %echo% Santa bellows, 'Merry Christmas' %load% obj 222 %actor% inv end
Then the unwrap trig on the present, this is Detta's for a random object out of her zone 27.
Name: 'random obj load', VNum: [ 1973], RNum: [ 616] Trigger Intended Assignment: Objects Trigger Type: Command , Numeric Arg: 3, Arg list: unwrap Commands: eval present %random.27% eval present2 %present% * 1000 eval present3 %present2% + %random.4% %send% %actor% You begin unwrapping the present. %echoaround% %actor% %actor.name% begins unwrapping %actor.hisher% present. wait 1 s %load% obj %present3% %actor% inv eval inv %actor.inventory% %echo% As the wrapping falls apart, it reveals... %inv.shortdesc%. %purge% %self%

The Builder Academy
tbamud.com 9091

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