Hoping someone here can help me out a little. It has been years since I had done any mud work or coding and I decided to take it up again as a hobby for the time being. After learning that the circlemud name was moved over to tbamud, I was able to find the most current version, tbamud-3.63. Thanks for all the updates on the code base as it sounds great and from what I have seen, things look great.
Now to my problem. I am running this on my own home Linux system. I have everything mostly all set. The package was decompressed, the configuration script was ran, the source compiled without a single error.
Now my problem comes when I attempt to start the mud using the autorun script. I execute it just like all Linux files that can be executed using ./autorun & . The mud appears to start up and die instantly. I have tried to resolve this problem and can not seem to locate what is causing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I really would like to get this up and moving so I can start customizing it wit the ideas my wife and I have.
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.