I am attaching a text file for a set of triggers I recently wrote. The triggers prevent a mobile's shop inventory from becoming overloaded by purging out items at a number set by a zone builder. For the purposes of these triggers I arbitrarily set the item limit to 20, but it could be increased or decreased at the discretion of a zone builder. The item purging happens in a first in, first out order. Furthermore, there are two triggers for the two different scenarios which a builder might create.
The first trigger addresses a mobile shopkeeper whom spawns with items in a shop product menu which have an unlimited quantity. IE: Midgaard wizard loads a scroll of recall and we want that to always be available.
The second trigger is made for a mobile which has no unlimited item quantities such as a pawn broker type mob.
Note: The text file is part of a compendium of triggers in my personal files. It follows a format I prefer for my own personal use and as such it may or may not be intuitive for others. Even so, the triggers are present for whomever wishes to use them.