Not easily. Boards are handled as special procedures (HELP SPECIAL). But, you could probably make it work by giving the board object a unique name and using %at%. So whenever you want them to interact with the board the phone trigger could use %at% unique_board_name <write/read/etc>
The Builder Academy 9091
I thought of it as a quick and dirty way of having global boards you can post to anywhere, but I might just have to put it to the backburner until I get more familiar with the sourcecode. I'm already trying to figure out where everything ties in together that makes everything work (EVERYTHiNG lmao). Don't think I want to add studying DG scripts to it as well. I thought it was a good idea though if anyone wants to try to get something working with it DG side. I'll have someting up for custom prompts after I have it finished, then maybe I'll get back to seeing if I can figure out a hard-coded option for global boards instead.
Only downside is comparing with Ghostmud/rom to make sure I get some parts right. Eventually I suppose it'll be a crossbreed, but that's only going for cosmetics once I work in area files. Working on the conversion is kinda fun lol.