Ah fixed! I had quite a problem with it but then realized that it was due to me putting the snippit into a back-up of the src folder. Wow, that's bad.
Anyways, I'll post the Two Hands Only snippit here. If it's Ok, I'll modify it to work with the current version of tbaMUD.
# By Vedic <vedic@thevedic.net>
# From Aarait telnet://thevedic.net:4000 http://thevedic.net/~aarait
# Share and share alike.
Has it every bothered you that a person could hold a twig of intelligence, a
lantern, a two handed sword of goblin slaying, and a shield all at the
same time?
This snippet will remedy that. Now a player will only be able to hold one
item per hand. It also adds a new item flag, ITEM_TWO_HANDED, in order
to force people to really use two hands for that two handed sword of goblin
If you like this snippet, or any other snippet I have done, I ask that you
please give back to the mud community by releasing your own snippets. For
myself and other included the free areas and snippets found on the Internet
were what turned us onto creating our muds.
Dean Vaughan - 3/16/02
I've also changed some of the code here and there to fit it into tbaMUD 3.63 (latest version at the time of this release). All credit still goes to Vedic. -- Papaya Pete, 7/6/12
Now onto the good stuff.
Open act.item.c.
Before the perform_put() function add:
int free_hands(struct char_data *ch) {
int used = 2;
if(GET_EQ(ch, WEAR_HOLD)) { used -= 1; }
if(GET_EQ(ch, WEAR_LIGHT)) { used -= 1; }
if(GET_EQ(ch, WEAR_SHIELD)) { used -= 1; }
if(GET_EQ(ch, WEAR_WIELD)) {
used -= 2;
else { used -= 1; }
return used;
Further down in act.item.c in the:
void perform_wear(struct char_data * ch, struct obj_data * obj, int where) {
function, look for this:
if (GET_EQ(ch, where)) {
send_to_char(already_wearing[where], ch);
Directly below that chunk of code add:
if(where == WEAR_WIELD || where == WEAR_SHIELD || where == WEAR_LIGHT || where == WEAR_HOLD) {
if(free_hands(ch) < 1 && !OBJ_FLAGGED(obj, ITEM_TWO_HANDED)) {
send_to_char("You hands are full!\r\n", ch);
if(free_hands(ch) < 2 && OBJ_FLAGGED(obj, ITEM_TWO_HANDED)) {
send_to_char("Your hands are full!\r\n", ch);
Save the file and exit.
In structs.h after #define ITEM_NOSELL (1 << 16)) add:
#define ITEM_TWO_HANDED 17 // Item requires 2 Hands to use
You may have to change the above numbers if you've made other modifications
to your mud. If you have questions you may email me.
Save the file and exit.
In constants.c add:
to the end of the const char *extra_bits[] array.
Save the file and exit.
That's it! If all went well you should be able to compile your mud and no long have to worry about four handed people.
Hope this is Ok, me doing this.