I recently wrote a trigger, it activates upon entry into a room, its supposed to close all the exit doors, so so they are closed/locked/pickproof, then wait like 8 seconds so they feel trapped, and then load up some rat mobs.
There is a seperate script to open the doors after the rats die, but so far neither work, none of the doors close or are affected in anyway, the doors exist in olc.
I need a hand getting the doors to actually close if the variable doesn't exist etc.
Here is the code at the moment:
Name: 'Rat onslaught', VNum: [ 2306], RNum: [ 644]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Enter , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
wait 1 sec
if %actor.varexists(rat_swarm)
%door% 2305 north flags a
%door% 2304 south flags a
%door% 2306 east flags a
%door% 2302 west flags a
%echo% The stone doors around you all slam shut, locking you in!
%door% 2305 north flags bcd
%door% 2304 south flags bcd
%door% 2306 east flags bcd
%door% 2302 west flags bcd
wait 8 sec
%echo% Suddenly, in conjunction with a particularly loud thunderclap, all three doors break open at once, falling from their doorways into the room with a great cacophony.
%echo% Seconds later, the sounds of squeaking fill the air as a pack of rats swarms in from the largest doorway.
%load% mob 2301
%load% mob 2301
%load% mob 2301
%load% mob 2301
%load% mob 2301
%load% mob 2301
%load% mob 2301
set rat_swarm 1
remote rat_swarm %actor.id%