Name: 'Switch Echo Example', VNum: [ 18], RNum: [ 18]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Enter , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
* By Rumble of The Builder Academy 9091
* put a wait in here so it doesn't fire before the player enters the room
wait 1
switch %random.3%
case 1
* only the person entering the room will see this.
%send% %actor% You trip over a root as you walk into the room.
* everyone in the room except the actor will see this.
%echoaround% %actor% trips on a root while walking into the room.
* everyone in the room will see this.
%echo% The root suddenly springs to life and attacks!
* let everyone in the zone hear about this.
%zoneecho% %self.vnum% is a clutz.
case 2
%send% %actor% You strut into the room.
%echoaround% %actor% Seems to have a big head..
%echo% A strong breeze kicks some leaves up into the air.
case 3
%echo% A light breeze picks up, causing the leaves to rustle quietly.
* this should be here, even if it's never reached
%echo% This is the default case, just in case I missed something. Get it? Just in case!
for TBA.