Hello all.
Ok, so I have been beating my head against the wall trying to figure this out. What I am trying to do is an ifcheck that looks at the character's race to determine which of several paths are possible.
if %actor.is_pc%
if %char.race%=='Human'
nop stuff for humans
elseif %char.race%=='Droid'||'Recon Droid'||et. all... droids
nop stuff for droids
*Any alien races
nop stuff for aliens
if %char.sex%==female && %char.cha%>12
nop greasy slimeball comment
Am I using the argument incorrectly? Should it be used as %char.race%(Human) (Just thought of that... will be trying it shortly) or is it truly gone? If it is gone, how do I properly use the %actor.varexists(var)%? I always get a null when trying to use that... I know I will need to figure out how to use that so I can pull the Faction a character belongs to in order to bring the experience more to life.
Appreciate the help!
Aalan - Builder/Coder for d20MUD.com