Hello everyone,
I am trying to do a trigger for my zone that sends messages after a player types house <player name>. This teleports the player into the house, I'm having trouble with the message that are attached to the mobs in the teleported room to fire. The sayings will change, but the general idea is still there.
It only works when you go up to the player's room(20601) and back down again to the main room(20600)
Trigger to go into the 'house'
Name: 'Player's Home command', VNum: [20606], RNum: [ 2580]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Command , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: house
if %actor.name% /= %arg%
%echo% %actor.name% walks into %actor.hisher% home by unlocking %actor.hisher% door.
%teleport% %actor% 20600
%force% %actor% look
%echo% Type house <character> to go inside the house.
Trigger to speak when the players enter the room
Name: 'Ivar and Arndis greeting new players', VNum: [20600], RNum: [ 1245]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles
Trigger Type: Greet , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: arrives entered appears
* Orginal Trigger 194 By Rumble of The Builder Academy tbamud.com 9091
* Modified: Jordan
if %actor.is_pc%
wait 1 sec
if %actor.varexists(Ivar_Arndis_greeting)%
if %actor.sex% == male && %self.vnum% == 11900 && %actor.level% <= 30
%send% %actor% Ivar welcomes back, %actor.name%. "Welcome back, son."
end *Ends male check welcoming back
if %actor.sex% == female && %self.vnum% == 11901 && <= 30
%send% %actor% Arndis welcomes back, %actor.name%. "Welcome back, daughter."
end *Ends the female check welcoming back
say Welcome to The Builder Academy %actor.name%.
set Ivar_Arndis_greeting 1
remote Ivar_Arndis_greeting %actor.id%