Pretty sure this works, remembered it because I remember us each writing the same script basically with slightly different methods when Tink had initially requested help with the script.
Name: 'Troglodytes Smell!', VNum: [57702], RNum: [ 4195]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles
Trigger Type: Entry , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
wait 1
eval nroom
%echo% A thick, suffocating musk wafts into the room, the oily stench almost graspable in its richness.
if %nroom.north(vnum)% && %nroom.north(vnum)% != %sroom%
%at% %nroom.north(vnum)% %echo% A thick, suffocating musk wafts into the room, the oily stench almost graspable in its richness.
if %nroom.south(vnum)% && %nroom.south(vnum)% != %sroom%
%at% %nroom.south(vnum)% %echo% A thick, suffocating musk wafts into the room, the oily stench almost graspable in its richness.
if %nroom.west(vnum)% && %nroom.west(vnum)% != %sroom%
%at% %nroom.west(vnum)% %echo% A thick, suffocating musk wafts into the room, the oily stench almost graspable in its richness.
if %nroom.east(vnum)% && %nroom.east(vnum)% != %sroom%
%at% %nroom.east(vnum)% %echo% A thick, suffocating musk wafts into the room, the oily stench almost graspable in its richness.
if %nroom.up(vnum)% && %nroom.up(vnum)% != %sroom%
%at% %nroom.up(vnum)% %echo% A thick, suffocating musk wafts into the room, the oily stench almost graspable in its richness.
if %nroom.down(vnum)% && %nroom.down(vnum)% != %sroom%
%at% %nroom.down(vnum)% %echo% A thick, suffocating musk wafts into the room, the oily stench almost graspable in its richness.
if %sroom%
%at% %sroom% %echo% The strong, oily musk wafts out of the room with the troglodyte.
eval sroom
global sroom