Rumble wrote: What changes did you make? Please share so we can help the next guy/gal.
start with the git bundle download of 3.64
used the new conf.h.msvs. which was suppost to be for msvc 2008. had to get 3 libs from my msvc6 thou.
which dont seem to be in the 2008 express for some reason. then I added dozens of files to this part of the makefile. which was makefile.msvc
OBJFILES = comm.obj act.comm.obj act.informative.obj act.movement.obj act.item.obj \
asciimap.obj act.offensive.obj act.other.obj act.wizard.obj \
ban.obj boards.obj castle.obj class.obj config.obj constants.obj db.obj \
dg_event.obj dg_scripts.obj dg_triggers.obj fight.obj genolc.obj graph.obj \
handler.obj house.obj ibt.obj interpreter.obj limits.obj lists.obj magic.obj \
mail.obj msgedit.obj mobact.obj modify.obj mud_event.obj oasis.obj oasis_copy.obj \
oasis_delete.obj oasis_list.obj objsave.obj protocol.obj shop.obj spec_assign.obj \
spec_procs.obj spell_parser.obj improved-edit.obj spells.obj utils.obj weather.obj \
random.obj players.obj quest.obj qedit.obj genqst.obj aedit.obj cedit.obj hedit.obj \
medit.obj oedit.obj qedit.obj redit.obj sedit.obj tedit.obj zedit.obj \
dg_comm.obj dg_db_scripts.obj dg_handler.obj dg_misc.obj dg_mobcmd.obj dg_objcmd.obj \
dg_olc.obj dg_variables.obj dg_wldcmd.obj genmob.obj genobj.obj genshp.obj genwld.obj \
genzon.obj prefedit.obj
which I figured out pooring over tba docs for help.
everytime I got a unreferenced external, I used grep to search for the function, then added that file. did this for a whole day until it compiled. makes a huge 2 meg circle.exe thou, which prolly could be optimized better. since the makefile was really for msvc 4.0
also, this was done in the command shell of win xp sp3.