Here is where happygold is handled, in fight.c within the int damage() function.
So let's say a mob has 10 gold. When he dies, that is when the happy gold is applied, it seems:
/* Uh oh. Victim died. */
if (GET_POS(victim) == POS_DEAD) {
if (ch != victim && (IS_NPC(victim) || victim->desc)) {
if (GROUP(ch))
group_gain(ch, victim);
solo_gain(ch, victim);
if (!IS_NPC(victim)) {
mudlog(BRF, LVL_IMMORT, TRUE, "%s killed by %s at %s", GET_NAME(victim), GET_NAME(ch), world[IN_ROOM(victim)].name);
forget(ch, victim);
/* Cant determine GET_GOLD on corpse, so do now and store */
if (IS_NPC(victim)) {
happy_gold = (long)(GET_GOLD(victim) * (((float)(HAPPY_GOLD))/(float)100));
happy_gold = MAX(0, happy_gold);
increase_gold(victim, happy_gold);
local_gold = GET_GOLD(victim);
sprintf(local_buf,"%ld", (long)local_gold);
die(victim, ch);
So at this point, the gold is increased if it is a mob that has died.
Now right after that, this occurs (until the end of the int damage() function):
if (GROUP(ch) && (local_gold > 0) && PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_AUTOSPLIT) ) {
generic_find("corpse", FIND_OBJ_ROOM, ch, &tmp_char, &corpse_obj);
if (corpse_obj) {
do_get(ch, "all.coin corpse", 0, 0); // <------ So we know this works, if all those coins are getting picked up
do_split(ch, local_buf, 0, 0); // <------------ Now, why is this not working? Perhaps equal to old gold value, pre-happygold?
/* need to remove the gold from the corpse */
} else if (!IS_NPC(ch) && (ch != victim) && PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_AUTOGOLD)) {
do_get(ch, "all.coin corpse", 0, 0);
if (!IS_NPC(ch) && (ch != victim) && PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_AUTOLOOT)) {
do_get(ch, "all corpse", 0, 0);
if (IS_NPC(victim) && !IS_NPC(ch) && PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_AUTOSAC)) {
return (-1);
return (dam);
So it looks like you don't need autogold or autoloot set at all; if you have autosplit toggled, it will automatically grab all.coins from the corpse and then perform a split. I added in the comments that call those functions for getting those coins and then splitting them. Now, question is, where is local_buf set at?
First, we see local_buf defined at the start of int damage()...
int damage(struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *victim, int dam, int attacktype)
long local_gold = 0, happy_gold = 0;
char local_buf[256]; // <------ Defined here
struct char_data *tmp_char;
struct obj_data *corpse_obj;
if (GET_POS(victim) <= POS_DEAD) {
Then we see it further down, actually at a bit of code already quoted earlier.
if (IS_NPC(victim)) {
happy_gold = (long)(GET_GOLD(victim) * (((float)(HAPPY_GOLD))/(float)100));
happy_gold = MAX(0, happy_gold);
increase_gold(victim, happy_gold);
local_gold = GET_GOLD(victim);
sprintf(local_buf,"%ld", (long)local_gold); // <--------- used in sprintf
And then where we see it used within the split() function.
I'm not too familiar with that function and how it works exactly, but looking into that is a very good start! Well, at least, that's where I would look. As for Thomas and Vart, though... I would trust their expertise more than my lack thereof.