Hmm ok im playing with even more corpse messages... i made a switch:
switch (killedbytype) {
case SPELL_FIREBALL:sprintf(spec_desc,"smoldering remains of %s are",
(IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->player.short_descr : GET_NAME(ch)));
default:sprintf(spec_desc,"corpse of %s is",
(IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->player.short_descr : GET_NAME(ch)));
} else {
corpse->name = strdup("corpse");
snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "The %s lying here.", spec_desc); <<<---New
/* snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "The corpse of %s is lying here.", GET_NAME(ch)); */ <<<--- Old
corpse->description = strdup(buf2);
snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "the corpse of %s", GET_NAME(ch));
corpse->short_description = strdup(buf2);
Got it to compile, i had to add:
void make_corpse(struct char_data *ch, int killedbytype);
void raw_kill(struct char_data *ch,int killedbytype);
void die(struct char_data *ch,int killedbytype);
Also i had to add:
make_corpse(ch, killedbytype);
And added 0 to a bunch of die places and raw_kill like: raw_kill(vict, ch, 0);
What is best to add 0 or NULL ??
But killing a mob with fireball just got the corpse the default message....Any ideas ??