Oh sorry, I think I should've elaborated better, according to the link I sent earlier from the documentation:
Since random triggers fire every 13 seconds you can set how often the trigger fires by modifying numeric arg to the following values:
1% = about 22 minutes
2% = about 11 minutes
5% = about 4 minutes
10% = about 2 minutes
20% = about 1 minute
50% = about 26 seconds
100% = 13 seconds
Once you reduce the numeric arg below 100, because the numeric arg equates to the chance that the trigger will fire, the above timings are an average. It is possible that even at 1%, the trigger will fire twice, 13 seconds apart.
The actual equation is 100/numeric arg X 13 = time in seconds.
For example, 100/20 X 13 = 65 seconds
So, the Num Argument is the chance of the trigger firing, not the actual time for it to fire, but you can get the average chance of it firing by calculating the equation as mentioned (since it fires every 13secs using 50% chance would be 26 secs in average)
EDIT: You COULD control the timing by setting the chance to 100% and using a variable remoted.
Something like:
# First let's make sure the variable exists
if !%actor.varexists(spell_control)%
# It didn't so let's create it
set spell_control 3
remote spell_control %self.id%
# Okay so the variable exists, let's check if we can cast already or if we should wait more
# If the variable is still not zero we're waiting, so subtract from the variable and stop the script
if %actor.spell_control% > 0
set spell_control %actor.spell_control% - 1
remote spell_control %self.id%
return 0
# Now it will cast the spell, and reset the variable
if !%self.affect(spellname)%
dg_cast 'spellname' %self%
set spell_control 3
remote spell_control %self.id%
With this script (and Num Argument 100) the trigger will run every 13 secs, this is unchangeable with random triggers (as far as I know).
The first time it runs it will set the variable and the spell will be cast.
But then there will be a delay of 3*13 seconds to recast the spell (you can change that by changing the "set spell_control 3" lines), a window of 39 seconds for the player to kill the mob.
This is just an idea tho, not sure if it will work for ya.
I haven't tested the script so sorry if there's any mistakes
PS: And I'm not sure if you have to remote the variable again after you set the value so, if anyone could please help haha